I have started doing some freelance website design work for small business clients, and part of my work will involve selecting fonts to use on the sites that I will be making.
Given that typography is not my strongest point, I was wondering if there is a website that offers a collection of schemes/combinations using web fonts. By 'scheme' I mean something as simple as a small list of fonts that have been proposed to work/look well together, e.g., Font A for headers, Font B for sub-headers, Font C for body copy, etc. Basically something like Color Combos, except for web fonts.
I think a site like this would be a great resource to people like me who aren't the best at picking fonts that work well together. It would be great if the website indicated which of the included font schemes consist entirely of free-to-use web fonts, as these would obviously be very easy to implement.
So, does anyone know of any websites like this?