I've drawn a simple logo with some curve, and when I resize it it losts all it's curves, why? I've tried with the mouse and with the numeric value with the same result from 7cm to 0.5cm
, here is the example:
Original 7 cm
Resized 0.5 cm
Align to pixel
, align to grid
and align to point
are all disabled
, what could it be?
The problem seems to be in U
and F
of the logo, I've used outline mode to see if there were some unclosed shape, but it seems to be ok.
This is the resized version, from 7.5cm to 0.25cm
As you can see, the more I resize the logo, the more the shape lost it's original form.
Never happened to me!
Could it be some issue of Illustrator CS5.5