Please can anyone help me. I have been searching for hours using all sorts of font finder applications and cannot figure out what this font is! Could anyone please help?
PS Additional logo example
Please can anyone help me. I have been searching for hours using all sorts of font finder applications and cannot figure out what this font is! Could anyone please help?
PS Additional logo example
It's definitely out of the Gill Sans family. It's closest to the Bold weight that I have locally. My guess is that there's some kind of manual alteration - it looks like it's horizontally squished a bit, and it could possibly be faux-bolded as well. However, there might be some bolder weight or condensed variant that I'm unaware of.
Here's the glyphs I'm looking at:
It's definitely the same G
and the same M
is Gill Sans with a stroke applied (hence the flat-bottomed centre of the M
), then squashed a little horizontally. The rest is various flavours of Gill Sans stretched or squashed. The R
is another distinctive one
Apr 1, 2014 at 12:23
Here's the full logo. The three words seem to be in the same font (regular and bold). The "GM" part is close to Gill Sans Bold but the letters are a little rounder ("C").
Closest match I could find after a lengthy search for "sans-serif bold" is Granby Elephant Pro. The G is quite particular in this one, I thought it would be easier to locate. Your sample is not Granby, but it has a similar G: