Hello I am Android Developer, working on android application. I require to make all drawables for all density for my android app. Is there any standard ratio I should keep for that and any tool for that. Any idea ?

  • 2
    what is a 'drawable'?
    – DA01
    Commented Aug 29, 2014 at 18:47

4 Answers 4


This is android's guidelines for icons.

36x36 for low-density 48x48 for medium-density 72x72 for high-density 96x96 for extra high-density

enter image description here

here: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html

Refer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17261344/drawable-sizes-for-different-screen-sizes-in-android



If you have Photoshop, it would be good for generating different size drawables.

So giving a example if I like to generate a icon say 48x48dp (Now as per Google dp is density independent pixel, 1dp=1pixel on a 160 dpi screen).

  1. So first create a new document in PS of size 48x48 pixels with ppi set to 160. Draw/Paste your image and save it.

    Now generally there are 5 types of screens low (120 dpi), medium (160 dpi), high (240 dpi), extra high (320 dpi) and 2*extra high (480 dpi).

  2. We have already created Icon for 160dpi screen, now change the image PPI (keeping aspect ratio same) to 120/240/320/480 and you'll have drawables for all screens. Put them in respective folders. Cheers !

(You can use other softwares too for changing image size/resolution)


I've created a script that exports to multiple sizes. It references Androids docs here. I've already included the Android recommended values but you can create your own export icon set.


you can use this link for all sizes


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