Hello I am Android Developer, working on android application. I require to make all drawables for all density for my android app. Is there any standard ratio I should keep for that and any tool for that. Any idea ?
4 Answers
This is android's guidelines for icons.
36x36 for low-density 48x48 for medium-density 72x72 for high-density 96x96 for extra high-density
here: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html
Refer: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17261344/drawable-sizes-for-different-screen-sizes-in-android
If you have Photoshop, it would be good for generating different size drawables.
So giving a example if I like to generate a icon say 48x48dp (Now as per Google dp is density independent pixel, 1dp=1pixel on a 160 dpi screen).
So first create a new document in PS of size 48x48 pixels with ppi set to 160. Draw/Paste your image and save it.
Now generally there are 5 types of screens low (120 dpi), medium (160 dpi), high (240 dpi), extra high (320 dpi) and 2*extra high (480 dpi).
We have already created Icon for 160dpi screen, now change the image PPI (keeping aspect ratio same) to 120/240/320/480 and you'll have drawables for all screens. Put them in respective folders. Cheers !
(You can use other softwares too for changing image size/resolution)
ppi should be set to 72 for an mdpi drawable, not 160. See here for more info: plus.google.com/+AndroidDevelopers/posts/6Eng1FFa2cY– dbaschCommented Sep 26, 2014 at 15:37
I've created a script that exports to multiple sizes. It references Androids docs here. I've already included the Android recommended values but you can create your own export icon set.