How do I find out what the high level differences are between two partially different PSDs?

I can diff them as binary/text files, but I would prefer something like

added layer x
moved item y two pixels
changed color from a to b

or some graphic diff showing what is different in the different layers.

Or is there some way that I can export as PNGs or print each layer to PDF or similar? Then I would manage to diff those files.

  • Welcome to GD! Interesting question. Are you looking for an existing solution to do this for you (i.e. a software recommendation)?
    – JohnB
    Commented May 28, 2014 at 12:12
  • I was hoping to get information on how I could use Photoshop to compare two Photoshop images, or to somehow export all the layers to some other non-layered format.
    – tomsv
    Commented May 28, 2014 at 12:14
  • 2
    Honestly, never heard about such solutions. From time to time I need to do comparison (but not so detailed) and I just put images in stack and turn on "Difference" as blend method at top to see what parts are different.
    – Vnovak
    Commented May 28, 2014 at 13:41

2 Answers 2


There is a tool to diff images by overlaying them: http://www.kaleidoscopeapp.com/ Not sure if it works directly with psd, but you could give the demo a try.

  • I can confirm it does work with PSDs, but I think it will only show the differences between the entire composited file, not the separate layers. Exporting the layers as individual files for comparison might still work with it.
    – Dre
    Commented Jan 5, 2015 at 22:22

I'm not sure about the first part of your question, but through a quick search I was able to find these methods to "Export photoshop layers to individual PNG files - batch process?" from that previous Stack Exchange Question: Batch export Photoshop layers to individual PNG files

Question is originally for Photoshop CS4, but Method 1 still works for me using Adobe CC.

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