
I am trying to achieve the exact effect as on the image above, starting from a screenshot. Any links to similar PS tutorials would be of great help.

  • 3
    .. I believe that's an actual photo of a monitor, not a Photoshopped screen shot.
    – SaturnsEye
    Commented Oct 23, 2014 at 8:29

2 Answers 2

  1. Use Free Transform or the 3D-Tools to give the screenshot perspective.


  1. Apply a Depth of Field effect by using either Tilt-Shift (Filter > Blur Gallery > Tilt Shift) or Lens Blur (Filter > Blur > Lens Blur)

Add Blur

Optionally you can add scanlines, grain and color adjustments.

Tutorial on 3D-Tools
Tutorial on Lens Blur


For a better effect, you can also add some scanlines : You create a new layer with a grid made with black and a white lines with the overlay mode.


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