I am very much dying for a second opinion on a logo that brands my name. I have gone through many different logos without asking what other people think of them.
The goal here is to represent my name in a way that is text-less and minimal. For example, this here is my latest attempt: (ignore the text, the logo is the important thing here)
This logo is also used in most of my avatars (note the one I'm using on this website right now is a shortened version of the logo above)
This are my questions to you guys:
- Does the design look too plain / generic? I kind of think it is, I mean it is just 9 circles. If so, what can I do to make it less so?
- Does it represent my name well enough in the literal sense? My name and logo can be used for any kind of work I make, so I can't put anything in the design that defines the logo as belonging to any one type of work.
- Am I going in the right direction? Refer to the below logos; they are what I've done in the past. Am I making any kind of improvement with this logo compared to my past logos, in regards to the previous two questions?
Also, the logo should (and feel free to question my goals for the logo):
- I don't want to combine the logo and text. Refer to my past logos below, where I have tried stuff like "8P", "p8d", the giant "8". I liked the idea at one point, but I don't think they represent the name as well as a good logo does. Obviously, in the below logos I did combine the logo and text, but the main thing is I want the logo to work by itself as well.
- I want to keep it minimal. By "minimal", I want it in a vector form, where in the end it's just a solid shape that I can fill with any color. And also "minimal" as in simple; I don't want to have to make complex shapes in the logo. Again, refer to my past logos; they're all solid shapes.
- It should only represent my name. As stated earlier, I make various things, so I don't want to define the logo as belonging to any one type of work I make.
To further emphasize that I've gone through many logos, here is an .ai I made organizing my past logos from oldest to newest:
(source: puu.sh)
In addition to the main questions above, additional opinions and critique is appreciated. I really want to settle on a logo already, because this is insane.
Also, if it already wasn't clear, the logo should represent my username, which is "octopod".