I have a set of flat objects and they are independent, they are all in one single .AI file.
How can I Change the colors of those objects while they are in symbol panel and are not yet in my artboard?
I have a set of flat objects and they are independent, they are all in one single .AI file.
How can I Change the colors of those objects while they are in symbol panel and are not yet in my artboard?
I think there is no "designer" solution to your problem. The way I understand your problem the solution would be Scripting.
This would be a starting point: http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/pdf/illustrator/scripting/illustrator_scripting_reference_javascript_cs5.pdf There should be never versions around.
and maybe check this out: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25236210/edit-symbol-in-illustrator-using-javascript