A few years ago I made a website for a client. It was arranged informally, there was no contract. Since that time his business has grown along with the website and I'm also involved regularly in various work for him.
Mostly we have gotten along okay, we do almost all communication by email. The only thing that's been a problem I would say is that he's someone who tends to change their mind, even after stating clearly that he's happy with something and finalising it. He does not seem to understand the importance of having a brand image that's consistent, despite the fact that I did explain this from the outset when he asked for advice in this area and have repeated a few times, both in person a few years ago as well as since then in emails. I should say also that I've always encouraged and been clear that I wanted open discussion about anything that he wanted changed during the design process.
The original logo (which I did a few months after the website) I felt was professional looking and fitted well with the type of industry he's in. A few months later though after much discussion and saying it was "excellent", he started saying he would like to see what it looks like with colour added... Obviously and as I tried to explain, it's not possible to just "add colour" once a design has been finalized, and when the design itself was intended to be in just one colour with white. Eventually and after suggesting an alternative design that would be more in line with what he now wanted, I ended up doing a different take on the original design(because that was what he insisted on) incorporating colour. He was very happy then with this new logo. I thought it looked okay, though not what I would have chosen myself, but it was definitely acceptable looking and so we began using it everywhere, on social media etc.
Well, that is the brief background. The latest thing that's happened is he's gone and 'branded' his vehicle with all plain text - similar a bit to the text that's on the website header(but slightly different font and the colour also not an exact match) and also leaving out the actual logo itself. This means basically that it's a separate branding from the one we'd been using. (Added to this, he also misspelled a word in the description of services offered, which I pointed out but only after he showed me the result as he didn't tell me beforehand he was going ahead with this). He now wants to put pictures of this vehicle on the website... He has already put some of the pictures up on social media. (He is using the logo for business cards though, so I know he likes the logo. I suspect the reason he didn't use it in the vehicle branding was to save on cost).
I emailed him about this, basically repeating what I'd said before - that only one logo and branding should be used, otherwise it confuses the company image, explained the reasons why etc. I suggested that since he'd done this branding and if he doesn't intend to change it, that it would now make more sense to take the logo down from the website and social media and instead just go with a simple plain text header, to be more in line with the branding on the vehicle.
None of this would bother me so much I think if I hadn't told some people about this website(and logo etc) and also I was intending to add it to my portfolio. Obviously as he now wants to have this unprofessional looking stuff up there, I can't really do this.
So I am just looking here for some advice on how to handle this, hopefully from someone who is more experienced than me in dealing with clients. I'm meeting with him soon - he wants me to work on a new project - but I feel a bit like maybe I don't want to continue working with him if I'll be unable to use this logo and website in my portfolio. He has stated in the email reply that the vehicle branding will stay as is and he also wants to keep the website logo as is.