When I import a PNG file with transparency to Inkscape, for example an icon with size 48×48, I always get a distortion, even done if I export the bitmap, it is the same.
Someone else with the same problem?
When I import a PNG file with transparency to Inkscape, for example an icon with size 48×48, I always get a distortion, even done if I export the bitmap, it is the same.
Someone else with the same problem?
There may be more than one position to set - both the base position and any transforms you have applied to it.
Try turning on and locking to the grid (press #) before you import. This should have the same effect as Drasil's suggestion, but it avoids a lot of potential confusion.
To verify that it worked, turn off the grid (press # again) and set your zoom to 100%. The image should not look blurry or distorted.
I'm not sure it's related, but sometimes I have problem with imported pixel images if they're not at rounded positions.
Try to set the image at rounded positions, for exemple x=140 and y=206 instead of 140.22 and y=206.3645 ?