I am doing an iOS app that shows recommended products to identified customers in a brick and mortar store. The customer can tell an associate, "Oh, I bought that already", the the associate can so note that fact so the customer isn't presented with the same items in the future (think: they bought a TV after searching for one, or a dress, or some jewelry).
I've gone through thousands of icons online (and in my collection), but alas - I just cannot find one that immediately conveys the concept of "this items was already purchased".
Right now I'm using a "Shopping Bag" icon, but it looks like a weak choice.
Ideas most welcome!
EDIT: I'm amazed at all the attention this post has gotten here! Thanks to all! Let me add a bit more detail:
- the icon can only be around 40x40 points
- the use is an iOS app, so the icon should be consistent with current iOS icons [meaning it will be thin lined, not heavy, and of a single color]
EDIT2: I messaged the author of the Glyphish icon set, and he suggested one other different icon - a shopping bag with the "Backwards in Time" icon (a clock face with a arc around it pointing counter clockwise).