I'm trying to figure out the genuineness of a picture showing a ladies t-shirt at a web store --whether the color choices are actually different photos or if one photo was taken & the rest of the pictures (with the different colors ) achieved through image editing.
The model is posed so exactly the same in all the pictures that it defies the possibility of it being many photos, I think. I don't know image editing so am hoping you have patience with me. Is it obvious what was done? Is it image editing that changed the color? If yes, how? Is the exact shade matched using the editing tool or maybe a photo of the article is taken & the color transported to the original photo?
The url is: http://www.rosegal.com/t-shirts/stylish-lace-spliced-hem-long-200055.html
Thanks! - I would like to know for more reasons than one. I'm thinking of buying, but also would like to know for my own information how this kind of thing is done!