I used the "type on a path" to make a curved textbox on the top of a circle but when I want to have the text curved on the lower part of the circle it has to be upside down.. Any help is appreciated.

  • 5
    You can type on the other side of the path (inside the circle). If I remember correctly you can just drag the curser to the other side of the path.
    – Cai
    Commented Feb 21, 2016 at 13:29

1 Answer 1


Use the 'type on path' tool to type out your words on the circle, then while you have that circular type selected with the selection tool, double-click the 'type on path' tool to pull up the 'type on path' options dialog box. There you will see a dropdown menu and a checkbox. Check the box to invert the text (something like that), then play around with the 'ascender/baseline/etc.' options in the dropdown menu to get the text on the outside/inside/etc. of your circle.

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