I have a picture containing lot of noise (see example below). Using photoshop CS5, is there any way to remove/or minimize these artefacts ?
I know this is possible in sound editors (like Goldwave) : you select a small sample of the sound containing only noise, and then apply a "noise reduction" effect, it will remove anything in the sound that contains same frequencies as sample selected. It is not perfect since its also remove some other usefull information in the sound but results are generally very good.
I am looking for the same functionality but for pictures. It should allow me to select some region in picture containing mostly noise (a black / very dark area) and then based on this region, the plugin effect should remove any noise on the picture with same frequencies/pattern.
I think some cameras have same possibility : you take a picture of a black background (thus containing only noise), then real pictures. using the picture containing only noise, the camera automatically remove artefacts in real pictures.
If not possible in Photoshop CS5, any other tool doing that would also be nice.
Note : i know about Filter > Noise > Reduce noise
but it is not what i want.
EDIT : thanks all for your suggestions, after searching a lot, i have found one tool that does it : NeatImage. This was perfectly what I was looking for and made miracles. During some googling sessions I have also try some other and find Noise Ninja and Noiseware to be nice tools. I will try some of your suggestions when i will have time.