I have a collection of 142 partially overlapping images, taken on a grid with a microscope. I've had to go through some pain to patch them all together as the automated software packages seemed to have a lot of trouble doing so, but in the end it worked out. However, now I am stuck with the issue that each image was taken at slightly different lighting conditions (due to how the microscope is setup), which gives me a sort of patchwork of different brightness squares. It is illustrated by the (partial) image below:
As you can see, the squares have slightly different lighting. Now, of course I can manually adjust each single layer until it has the same brightness as its neighbour, this is clear. But doing this 142 times is.. time consuming at best. I feel as if there should definitely be a way to automate this, but I haven't been able to find one.
So that is my question; is there a way to automatically match the lighting on multiple layers at once? I suppose I have to pick one as a reference, that is fine.