I am a currently trying to create my own desktop theme in the plasma desktop environment. Right now I am currently at a roadblock and I need some advice.
I am working on a svg file with multiple objects in it. This file corresponds with the audio icon in the system tray on the desktop panel. There are four multiple objects in this file; audio-volume-muted, audio-volume-low. audio-volume-medium and audio-volume-high.
I would like to create an uniform sized bounding box for the group of each of these icons. More specifically, I would like to create multiple group bounding boxes around each of these icons that are larger in size then the object within it and uniformed in size across all four icons.
I am not even sure if this is the most efficient way to achieve my goal. My goal is to have a visual pleasing and uniform spacing between objects in the system tray. Any other suggestions to solving this problem would be appreciated.
That said larger group bounding boxes is a common practice that I have seen over and over again in Inkscape. For the life of me I cannot seem to find any tutorials on how to do this.