I'm attempting to go through a tutorial that uses a lot of the Pathfinder panel in Illustrator CS6. I noticed that my Pathfinder doesn't really seem to function the same way as in the tutorial for some reason, but I want to know why so I can complete it. One of the important steps, after creating some custom text shapes, is to use the Pathfinder command Add (which isn't in the panel itself but from the Effects menu) and then expand the text shapes to create one compound shape. But I can't seem to be able to do this, i.e. expand everything into one large shape, no matter what I try, and I can't proceed any further.
Screenshot of what is supposed to happen
What I'm getting after Offset Path is applied, because I'm unable to expand the disparate shapes into one compound shape
Please let me know – is this some tick with the CS6 Pathfinder (I believe the tutorial is done with CS5), that you can't create one big, expanded compound shape out of separate, disconnected shapes? Or is it just my Illustrator that isn't functioning properly. I'm not a complete newbie to Illustrator but I can't figure out why.