Doing this is pretty simple. All you need is:
- A data file in a CSV form with names and values.
- Each region shape to be filled annotated by the name.
Then all you do is a loop over each column, although you may want 2 loops if you want to normalize data ranges. Here is the final result of a tutorial that I prepared for students in my university:
#target illustrator
(function () { // protect namespace
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var input = read_data_CSV();
var data = input[0];
var max = input[1];
var min = input[2];
for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
var name = data[i][0];
var value = (data[i][1] - min)/(max-min)*100;
var pathitem = doc.pageItems.getByName(name);
var col = new CMYKColor(); = 0;
col.cyan = 100 - value;
col.magenta = value;
col.yellow = 0;
pathitem.fillColor = col;
if (pathitem.typename === "CompoundPathItem")
pathitem.pathItems[0].fillColor = col;
} catch(err) {
alert(name+ " errors!");
* Prompt user for a CSV file, two columns
* name and value. The CSV file is assumed
* to be in form:
* name;10.5
* Where the column separator is ";" and
* the decimal separator is ".".
* @returns {array} containing the data, max
* and min.
function read_data_CSV(){
var file = File.openDialog('data', 'center:*.csv'); 'r' );
var max = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var data = [];
while( !file.eof ) {
var input = file.readln().split( ';' );
var numeric = parseFloat(input[1]);
if (numeric > max) max = numeric;
if (numeric < min) min = numeric;
data.push([input[0], numeric]);
return [data, max, min];
})(); //run on load
Image 1: Example map mapped with values form csv file
To test this on some real map data Ive prepared following files:
-, a map containing the map of municipalities in Southern Finland. The map is based on "NLS Yleiskarttarasteri 1:1 000 000, 1.4.2013" you may share or mix this data as long as you attribute the source and list version where it was taken from.
- population_31_12_2016_logarithmic.csv, containing the population data for the region in December 31 2016.
- percentage_of_unemployment_2015.csv, containing unemployment data in year 2015.
Be sure to have the file to modify active. This is a example only I would need to be much more robust to share it as something else.