I have a text (created with the Text tool), with fill: none and stroke: black 3px. Also, I imported an SVG image (using File > Import), which I wanted to put as text background.

The image I'm talking about

What I tried:

  • Object > Clip > Set, with both text in front and path in front.
  • Object > Pattern > Objects to Pattern with the path, but can't position the pattern exactly as I want it to be by using the Node tool.
  • Welcome on GD.SE, Bryan! Have you tried to create a duplicate (Ctrl+D) of the text and place it over the brown clipped path? Commented Nov 22, 2016 at 20:56
  • Thanks! After doing that I still need to move the text 2 pixels to the left but it does what I wanted. Could you post your comment as answer so I can accept it? Commented Nov 22, 2016 at 21:00

1 Answer 1


Create a duplicate (Ctrl+D) of the text and place it over the brown clipped path.
By @Paolo Gibellini

That did the job after placing both elements in same position and moving "words" 1px left.

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