I am trying to find an alternative to this font as the download license has been suspended.

It doesn't have to be identical but I would like something as close as possible if I can; I have tried several online ID-ing services but none have been able to get me to anything even close.


I am hoping to use this for an in-game (video game) company, so a commercial license (even if it is premium) will be required, but right now I'd just like to find a suitable equivalent that I can download, and deal with the rest later.

Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


La Pipo might be a nice alternative font:

enter image description here

Bendliner 2013 is another alternative but, unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a place to download it. You might be able to reach out to the designer on Behance (Michael Golovachev - Scorpy Design Studio) to see if it's available:

enter image description here

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