As I said it hard to do that task using Acrobat Illustrator so I suggest to do it using Indesign.
before I begin I have to apologize of making a long solution and for not doing all the step... some steps need try and error to get your desire result
First you need to construct your table layout, go to Table > Create Table
or press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T
In the Create Table
dialogue box, specify the numbers of rows and columns. In our case it will be 8 columns and 11 row … of course you can start with two rows considering at least one row as a header, so we ca style it separately. But if you preserve a header and footer make sure that the number rows and will be out of the header and footer.
What we have done a table without any layout … what we need to do is to construct the cells according to the data go to Windows > Type & Tables > Tables
to show theTable panel
or just click Shift + F9
In the Table Panel
you can resize the cell the way you want by column or by row.
Mimicking a layout, I usually put the reference table in the background of the table in a separated layer and my table in another layer for exact result. Of course you can resize any column by stepping on its header and change the width and height, you can individually resize column or by select a bunch of columns.
After constructing the table layout now comes filling the content. For the dice I prefer to use a true type font called “Dice” and you can download it from here or use any other font of your choice, you get the point? just to simplify your workflow.
Now fill the content: add tab in table cells by inserting special characters in types > Type > Insert Special Character > Other > Tab
don’t worry about formatting your text now we will deal with it later, the same for the cell paddings.
For the arrow insert it from the Glyph Panel
, choose a font that contain arrows and apply it, in my case I did choose “Wingding” and I scale the glyph by 300% in the properties toolbar.
To split a cell into two vertical cells, just click on the hamburger menu in the table panel which have some extra option for the tables, and click slit cell vertically. This option split the cell vertically but into two equal cell width. To resize the new cell just step into the cell you want to resize and put a new value in the width fields in the table panel as we did before. You will notice that any change in the cell width will affect the whole width of the table, so you have two option to deal with this problem 1- is to retype the values of the two spited cells or 2- juts drag the intermediate vertical border while clicking on shift button.
Now comes the cell styling: first we need to vertical and horizontal align all content in all cells to be align center, you can align it manually or by creating a new cell style.
To style the content: the center alignment with a paragraph style and vertical alignment is a cell style as follow:
Go to Windows > Type > Paragraph Styles
click on create new style name it “Cell Content” in the paragraph styles options
dialogue box we will style all the text properties you want, colors, font, font size … etc. and the alignments as well.
Make individual style for the left column as well as the header, based on the style you just create it.
For the dice style we will create a character style, go to Windows > Type > Character Styles
and name it dice and assign the font you download it to that style.
Make sure when styling the left column to adjust the base line as follow to ensure middle alignment to dice.
And go through filling content one by one and here you are my result.
Just one more thing it to eliminate the intermediate border of the splited cell we created previously, by a value of 0pt