I have inherited a design in a Fireworks file which I'm turning into a web page. I've never used Fireworks but it seems to be similar (user-interface-wise) to Photoshop so it's going okay. However, there are a number of fonts used in the design which I don't have installed on my PC. When I open the file in Fireworks it asks if I want to 'Replace fonts' or 'Maintain appearance'. Since I need to see the graphics accurately I select 'Maintain appearance'. However, now when I select any of the text it doesn't tell me what font it's trying to use (I'm not trying to edit the text and I realise I couldn't without the font being installed on my machine, but I just need to know what font it is).
In Photoshop when you select a font that's not installed on your machine, it asks if you'd like to replace {name of font} with another font. So you can easily tell what the original font is even if you can't edit it without changing to a font you have installed.
How would I do this in Fireworks? I just need to know what text is in what font so I can code up the web page accurately.
Thanks for any pointers folks...