Look at this, it is impossible to get the text to behave normally now. I want the text to be two separate lines. I press enter to get it to change line.
I guess I could make two different texts but this should work without a problem...
You need to fix your leading in the character panel. - for more information see the Adobe help: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/line-character-spacing.html
It could also be your baseline shift. Set your baseline shift to 0 after highlighting the both lines.
In this case you need to set the leading.
Step 1 is are the lines without the spacing.
Step 2: Click on the text >> Ctr A (the entire text will be selected). Then Ctr T. A panel will open. Then set the spacing according to your requirement. If you set it on auto it will set the spacing proportionately.