I'd like to make use of photoshop's "Smart Objects" to have an easier time managing my layers. I have about 20 layers that will be duplicated 10 times... and I'd rather manipulate them as single objects than as 20 layers each.

I created a smart object out of the 20 layers... when I duplicated the smart object, and edited to newly duplicated object... any edits also affected the original.

Is there a way to make distinct smart objects out of duplicates so they can be edited independently?

  • How to do this has been answered already. I just wanted to add that maybe groups is a better choice than smart objects in this case as this seems to be defying the purpose of smart objects. just a thought.
    – KMSTR
    Commented Aug 23, 2012 at 7:33

1 Answer 1


From Photoshop forums http://forums.adobe.com/thread/371954

If the SO is duplicated by choosing New Smart Object via Copy in the
context menu (control-click on the SO in the layers palette), the new
SO is independent of original: edits in one will not be replicated in
the other.

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