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Questions tagged [batch-processing]

Questions about batch processing, a technique of automatically applying the same set of commands/actions to a collection of files. It can save time for designers who need to apply the same process to a large number of files. Ask anything about batch processing files with graphic design software.

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2 votes
2 answers

Merge a folder of images that don't have overlapping elements but do align at edges

In essence, I'm wondering if there's a solution on the Mac to solve a jigsaw for me. I have several folders of images scraped from a slippy-tile map and want to merge them together into a single image....
0 votes
1 answer

is there any way to blur only area on images in bulk in irfan view

I need to blur a little rectangle in the centre in each of 300 photos. how can I blur that area in Irfan view or is there any other software to do that?
0 votes
1 answer

Batch Process to cut same shape and location from screen capture image

Background During my online D&D session I grab period screen captures of the active window which is showing a 2D map or the area my token can see. As a result, all the images are the exact same ...
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1 answer

How to automatically generate text that adopts the same name as an imported image or Excel file in illustrator?

I have a lot of product photos to edit in Illustrator. I want to create several artboards with one product image, and then one text box for each artboard, but I need these to automatically adopt the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Copied InDesign file links to original source files, not to the packaged links

I'm freelancing and downloaded an existing, packaged InDesign file from the client's server. I opened the INDD and did a save-as in a new folder on my computer; everything still linked to the packaged ...
0 votes
2 answers

How would you convert an image into a SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) without losing too much details and where all the details are contoured?

I'm trying to find a suitable pipeline for projects, using pictures. I'd need to obtain, at the end, a SVG with a lot of details instead of a huge black and white mush. Here is an exemple : Credits : ...
1 vote
1 answer

Gimp - Adjusting color level values of layers in batch

I've scanned some book pages and imported them as layers to a single grey scale Gimp image. I need to do some identical Levels adjustments (primarily to correct white point) to each layer prior to ...
2 votes
1 answer

Gimp batch resize and change levels

I have hundreds of images, of which I want to perform the following operations in Gimp: Scale it using Sinc (Lanczos3) Change the input levels to a certain value Save it My question is how do I ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to save out multiple layered PSD language versions?

I have 14 display ad PSD files. Each file has approximately 15 design solutions (layers), divided into 3 style types. Each of these layers needs to be saved out 5 times for different language versions....
1 vote
1 answer

Dithering with GIMP python-fu

I'm using GIMP 2.10.6 on Ubuntu 18.10. I'm trying to script an automatic image manipulation, and for part of the workflow I need to dither a layer in my image. I can't find anything in the script-fu/...
0 votes
2 answers

Batch resize images with different background colors

My goal is to achieve the following: Batch resize images with different background colors I already use Photoshop to batch process and center (horizontal and vertical align) 2000 different images ...
1 vote
2 answers

Batch convert portrait photo to landscape with blurred, extended background - Windows utility needed (NOT Photoshop)

For a slideshow I want to extend 82 portrait images to landscape so that the image is duplicated as a blurred background, like this: will be turned into This is a one-shot-thing that I probably won'...
2 votes
1 answer

Batching in Photoshop

I have a few hundred images I need to batch process. Basically I need to apply a set of images to a single PSD using the Apply Image function, save as a new jpg with file numbering if possible, then ...
0 votes
1 answer

Quick Numerical PNG Save

I work with PNG frames when I make videos. So whenever I do it I usually save with .PSD, but the files got too big and I decided to switch to saving with .PNG I was wondering if there is a way to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Illustrator Action, Batch process - Let user draw a line or an area

I am creating an Illustrator action that automates shape cutting however now I need to put a system in the batch process where it stops and let the user draw the line or an area according to which the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Batch for pasting each image into a fixed one with action

Having a large number of .png images in a folder, is it possible to do the following, in the automated fashion: For each image in the folder: paste in on top of a second (fixed) image, apply an ...
0 votes
1 answer

Photoshop action script - batch job without dialogs and save settings

perhaps one can help me with some scripting snippets for: A) supress/ignore open and save Dialog in Actions with PS-script B) supress Color warnings while opening C) toogle on/off a dialog box next to ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to batch insert images into a PSD smart object using GIMP?

Having this PSD file with a layer named "YOUR DESIGN | 5 x 7", what would be the GIMP command line (in Linux) to insert a picture into a smart object and produce the final graphic file (JPEG,...
1 vote
2 answers

InDesign script to replace all fonts in a document

I realize that this can be done with the find font dialogue box but I have too many files that require this text update to make that method practical. I've tried tinkering around with GREP but I'm ...
1 vote
1 answer

What is the best way of restoring the level of brightness on an image?

I am trying to fix some really bad scanner work in some gaming cards that were done years ago. I would like to know which is the best way to adjust the brightness, levels, colors, etc, to be able to ...
12 votes
2 answers

Command-line bitmap tracing with inkscape

Suppose you want to trace multiple bitmaps with some fixed inkscape tracing settings, is there a way to do it automatically with a batch file?
0 votes
0 answers

How can I add text boxes to multiple pictures in one illustration in Inkscape at once?

I use Inkscape to create illustration for a "scientific paper". In this example I have 9 pictures in one illustration and I now want to add a small annotation (A-I) to each picture in the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why Warp command can't work in batch processing

Edit>Transform>Warp seems the only command that can'be played in a batch. Why? Any workaround?
0 votes
1 answer

Trying to Batch Process from Illustrator to PNG In Photoshop

I've got 5300+ files to convert. Here's what I want to happen with Batch Processing: Open an .ai file in Photoshop and have the width and height in pixels be auto entered [Problem is that the open ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to automate the batch export in Inkscape?

I was able to use a shellscript to open all pdfs from a folder and save to svg like: # Convert the PDF to SVG (basic conversion) "$INKSCAPE_PATH" --file="$pdf_file" --export-...
0 votes
0 answers

Create multiple artboards with unique sizes from list of pre-typed measurements

I have several projects that need 15-20 artboards in one file with multiple unique sizes. Right now, I create each artboard individually working of a long list of typed out measurements . Is there a ...
26 votes
6 answers

Is there a command-line program that can convert an image to an ASCII art image?

Is there a command-line program (for Linux) that can convert an image to ascii art and then save that output as an image e.g. jpg or png? To illustrate what I'm in need of, I want to convert the ...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I apply the same frame style to all the pictures of a collage at once in Picture Collage Maker Pro?

I have a collage with >20 pictures in Picture Collage Maker Pro on Windows 10. How can I apply the same frame style to all the pictures of my collage at once? I don't want to have to do it for each ...
1 vote
3 answers

Batch Process or Image Process hundreds of images in folders?

My friend has a wordpress site but all of the original images are huge (some are 5meg each!). I want to batch resize them but don't want to use a WordPress plugin (there are not any that do a ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to batch-export SVG's to EPS on Windows or import them into InDesign CS6

I noticed that in Adobe CS6 there is still no way to import *.svg files into Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Now I want to use a lot of svg's from "TheNounProject", due to their high quality and ...
9 votes
3 answers

How to batch resize canvas of multiple files placing the original pictures in the centers?

I have got some hundreds of pictures of different shapes. For example one is 600x600, another is 307x600, the third is 600x400, the fourth is 500x300. What I need to turn them all into 600x600 (or ...
2 votes
2 answers

Photoshop batch save, two files from one source, specific data & naming

I've searched existing questions for this, but I'm not finding a way to do this one specific task. I work from 24mp photographs, fixing up across several apps but always ending in Photoshop. I have ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to batch remove specific layers with Photoshop Actions?

To start with, I have a project where I create a poster each day, and I'm in the process of getting them ready to be sold as prints. Each of the posters that I make for this project has an overlay ...
0 votes
0 answers

Photoshop: Image Processor and Batch not working with an action that work normally

here is the action here is the batch here is the image processor Image Processor and Batch is not working with an action that work normally. The batch just simply do the right actions, I can see ...
1 vote
3 answers

Can Adobe Bridge be used to add watermarks to photos in bulk?

If so, how? Does it require any other Adobe software for this feature to function properly (e.g. Photoshop), or can Bridge be used standalone for this purpose? (This is an important distinction for ...
3 votes
2 answers

Drop shadow in Photoshop based on image size

I'm dealing with many thousands of psd files containing product images. Most items have been separated from their original background and placed on white. They have a very slight drop shadow to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Batch replace placeholder image with a perspective warp?

My goal is to be able to batch create a highly scaleable number of "product impression/example" images. What I have is a Photoshop document, which will serve as a template, with 3 layers (ordered ...
5 votes
4 answers

Generate thumbnails from a folder of images

I have a folder on my computer with some images inside it. For each image I would like to create a smaller thumbnail of the image with a specific width and height. I recently downloaded Microsoft ...
12 votes
9 answers

How to Batch-export layers of Inkscape-generated SVG-file to Bitmap for sprites?

Batch -export means that I may need to add certain transformations such as anti-alias, contrast-fixes and resizing. SVG here means I am using Inkscape. One layer here is a sprite. I currently export ...
4 votes
3 answers

How do you batch export in Photoshop using "Save As" commands and still have unique names?

I have a very long action that generates over 100 PNG images using frequent "Save As" commands. I use Automate > Batch to perform the action, and have chosen "Document Name" + "3 Digit Serial Number" +...
1 vote
1 answer

Photoshop Batch Mockup

We have over 200 images that we need inserted into a PSD like this -- one that features this image on the wall -- and we want to automate the process. What would be the best way to do it?
2 votes
1 answer

Sketch - How to batch point symbol instances referencing symbols inside a document to an external library file

I'm excited about the new library symbols functionality in Sketch. However, the transition seems it is going to be onerous from the old way with the ~50 symbols I currently have been keeping inside a ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to automate image processing so all images are the same size with the same matte?

I have a bunch of 1800x1800 pictures. I need to individually put each image onto a 2200x2200 canvas and then save/export it. Is there a way I can batch this? To further explain, I need to add a 400 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does Photoshop 2018 allow recordings of "Save for Web" action for batch processing?

I have made several attempts at recording the Export > Save for Web (Legacy) script where I select the File Size Optimization to reduce the file size of several .jpg images. However, when I run the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Photoshop Save changes directly to Image

I have 500+ images that need few sec brushing each, what I will have to do is Edit image Brush strokes Export image Replace existing image Close the file and hit No I don't wanna save PSD What I ...
0 votes
0 answers

"clear" is not available in batch processing in illustrator

I am trying to run an action which involves 3 “clear” steps and 1 “transform” step in Illustrator on .pdf files. I record the action and proceed to batch process, and I get an error that says: The ...
0 votes
0 answers

Batch replace multiple placeholder images with with warp/smart object filters

In the process of looking for an answer to my question I came across this thread here: Batch replace placeholder image with a perspective warp? This is essentially what I'm trying to do, except for ...
1 vote
2 answers

Increase border size using content aware fill within batch processing in Photoshop

I would like to increase the border width of a yellow image border and perform this action within a batch process for multiple similar images within Photoshop. So far I performed the following steps ...
4 votes
2 answers

How do I cancel a batch process in Illustrator or Photoshop?

I'm using the "batch..." automation process under the Actions menu in Illustrator. How do I cancel a batch process once it already started? Is there a method for canceling batches in ...
3 votes
2 answers

Recursively batch-resave Illustrator AI files to legacy format

I need to downsave a few hundred AI files from AI CC to CS6. They are scattered across dozens of folders and I need a way to recursively overwrite the AI CC files with CS6 compatible files. I ...

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