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Best way to crop these planks into individual layers, and export them all as separate JPEG files with no white around the edges?

I'm looking for a good workflow in dealing with a document like this. The files need to be JPEG, but I also can't have any white around the planks. Is there a smart way to select and separate each ...
derodigital's user avatar
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Inverse crop in GIMP

I have an image that has blocks of useful content and blocks of useless content. I would like to remove the blocks of useless content without copy/pasting all of the useful content into another image. ...
anna328p's user avatar
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How to crop multiple selection and save into separated images without Photoshop

Take a look at this image: My question is how to crop multiple selections at once into separate images. I want to select each panel of the comic and export them as individual images and do multiple ...
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2 answers

How to crop other layers to a selection from a different layer? Photoshop [duplicate]

In photoshop, let's say I have 3 layers. Layer A and B have default background images. In layer C, I make the shape of something, let's say a car. I select the outline using the Quick Selection Tool. ...
Dan's user avatar
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unable to crop the valid psd file in photoshop [closed]

I have a PSD file which contains many Layers and each layer contains either some image or text. i want to crop the selection Area from that psd file..while doing that, it throwing an error please ...
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