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How do you find Slices in Sketch - is finding Exportables the only way?

The Problem I want a way to find Slices in a complex Sketch document. Why this is a problem I have used icon templates from Apple and Apply Pixels which are pre-configured to export different icon ...
Andy Dent's user avatar
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How can I use Sketch App to make dxf files (for laser cutting, cnc, etc)?

I'd like to design some stuff for laser cutting, and am familiar with Sketch App. Unfortunately, I can't simply hand over an SVG and expect it to work, and have been advised to shoot for a dxf file ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
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1 answer

Distorted SVG icon when exporting from Sketch

I am getting a strange result when exporting an SVG icon from Sketch. I am trying to export this mail icon that is made up of two masked triangles and an outer rectangle (all using an outside border):...
adamjoyce's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get rid of background on exportable symbols in Sketch?

I have a symbol in sketch which I need to export. Whenever I make it exportable, it generates a large rectangular background to the symbol, which is not what I want. I want the symbol only as a png ...
colmol29's user avatar
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Is there a way to export the 'glow effect' from an image to .svg code?

When I export an image of a loader I make to .svg code the glow effect doesn't appear later in the implementation (when we add it in the project's html/css). I see everything else but not the glow ...
KOstas's user avatar
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Exporting Slices from Sketch results in some slices exporting original size rather than export size

I have a sketch file with many export sizes. The original canvas is 1024x1024 and it's a slice. For some reason, certain versions (like 152w) export correctly with 152x152 pixels. But others export ...
Matt Hudson's user avatar
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Exporting Adobe files to work in alternative platforms?

My Creative Cloud is going to run out soon and I'm looking into cheaper alternatives, such as Sketch, however I'm concerned about the files for current projects that I'm working on. Can they be ...
J Bird's user avatar
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Good approach to rotated exports in Sketch App

I created some artboards with mobile screens. The screens are all symbols, with more nested symbols and elements. I want to make a nice preview of my designs and I'd like to rotate my screens to give ...
Summer's user avatar
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SVGs export adding pixels in preview and browser

Hopefully some simple solution to this, but basically when I export an icon create in sketch it basically adds a pixel. Is this an export problem or a rendering issue in chrome for example? (or both). ...
Chris's user avatar
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Sketch: Quick-Export tries to create PDF instead of PNG

in Sketch, when you select an exportable artboard you get a little preview in your inspector panel. Dragging this preview out gives lets you export it, however for some reason Sketch tries to export ...
CrazyQwert's user avatar
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Export Art Board View to JPG

Does anyone know how to export the art board view in Sketch to 1 image? Maybe a plugin exists? I know how to export all the art boards to a pdf/jpg, but I am trying to keep the art board view and ...
Edgar F.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Easier way to export only the current group/layer in Sketch?

In Sketch, 99% of the time, when I want to export something, I only want to export the current group or layer. However, whenever I select "Make Exportable", I have to: Find the slice layer at the ...
Dustin Martin's user avatar
4 votes
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Sketch app exporting in different sizes

I often need to export my assets in multiple sizes. The '1x' and '2x' option in Sketch simply isn't enough, as I sometimes need the same icon in let's say 200x200, 300x300 and 400x400 while the ...
Summer's user avatar
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Why sketch allow 0.5x export in dropdown?

Can anyone tell me why Sketch(mac tool for designers) enable us to export half sized of anything? Why they made it so easy?
Jivan's user avatar
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Sketch not exporting images with correct size

I'm using Sketch 3 and I have several images that I have made alterations to. All of the images are set to 270 x 430 and when I export them, they come out to sizes such as 292 x 452, 288 x 448, 286 x ...
Jessie Richardson's user avatar
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How to make icon from iconjar keep pixel perfect once dragged into Sketch?

When I dragged a pixel perfect icon (svg) from Iconjar to Sketch, the icon always off grid and exported with blurry result. Anyone know how to fix this?
Anh Nguyen's user avatar
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Exporting .eps in Sketch leaves white boxes behind graphics

Sometimes when I try to export ie a logo from Sketch, it leaves white boxes behind text etc. It doesn't matter if I use outlined text or not, and they're not shapes either. I checked all my layers ...
Summer's user avatar
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Sketch circular icon export clipped

I am a relative sketch / design newbie. I am trying to creating a simple check mark icon embedded in a green circle. The problem is the clipping on top of the circle on all sides. My sketch file ...
rOrlig's user avatar
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Sketch export multiple icons to a different file each all at once

I've made these icons and i want to export them at 2X. What i do now is that i select each icon, hit export @2X and then move on to the next icon until I'm done. Is there a way to export all my ...
paul's user avatar
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Sketch 3 - Is there a way to export all artboards in a .sketch file from multiple Pages?

I am using Sketch 3, and I suspect this feature is somewhere in the program, but I'm stuck. My issue is, I'm unable to export all artboards across all the Pages in my .sketch document. I have 2 ...
Sarah's user avatar
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Sketch: export artboard *including* layout grid

I'm working with a 12 column layout grid in sketch, which is great. However, when I export it, the grid is nowhere to be found! I need the grid to be visible in my png file, so that I can include it ...
duralexglass's user avatar
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Export artboards from a page in sketch

Is it possible to easily export all the artboards from a single page in Sketch, without manually selecting each artboard in the Export dialog (or deselecting the artboard from other pages)?
Tin Man's user avatar
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Exporting multiple groups from Sketch

I'm trying to export some icons I have made in Sketch. I've learnt how to export multiple layers, so each layer comes out as an individual assets (png file), but I can't find a solution for doing the ...
Annie's user avatar
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Sketch exports Alpha Mask different to a PDF than to a PNG?

I'm using Sketch to make a fade out effect in an image using a gradient alpha mask as described at the bottom of this page. In Sketch it looks like I want it to, and now I want to export it both to a ...
kramer65's user avatar
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Sketch text rendering is blurred

After exporting screens from Sketch 3 to PNG, the text is blurred Check out: This Website and see the three screens. It's almost not possible to read the screens. Even if you resize them it's not ...
number005's user avatar
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Export original image not cropped one from sketch

I've added an image to a rectangle as background fill and the image is filling the rectangle and is cropped. Now, our developer wants the original image as an asset for his HTML. How can I make the ...
Alireza's user avatar
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How can I export a Sketch document as PDF without hidden layers?

I have designed my CV in Sketch. I’ve done it in two languages (French and English) in the same file. When I want to export the English version, I turn off the layers which have French text. However,...
IeriOggiDomani's user avatar
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Sketch app 3.3 exporting png with transparent background

I know this has been brought up before but it hasn't been resolved. I want to export a bunch of images which have a transparent background but maintain the dimensions of the transparent area. I've ...
Mopo123's user avatar
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Is Sketch good at exporting jpgs and pngs containing pictures?

I designed a pictures grid in sketch, and wanted to export the hole grid as one jpg or png, and then add it to my website. I am wondering if the quality of the jpg or png would be as good as photoshop?...
Julio's user avatar
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Is there a way (or working plugin) that will select all Slices and export them from Sketch?

So I've been working on mobile projects lately and I'm using InVision and Hype3. An issue I keep running into is having to export updated Assets (tab bar, action bar, icons, etc) and there is no way ...
JWhiteUX's user avatar
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Exporting multiple sizes in sketch. Saving it as defaults?

I'm trying to figure out the way to keep my export sizes and prefix names as default options, When I do it to mobile I have to create 7 diferents sizes and prefixes I design in @3x so I have to ...
angeant's user avatar
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How can I export a blur image? [duplicate]

I am using Sketch to create my design. I have created a view that is blurred. So if I put it on any other image, it will make it blurred. Now I want to export this blur, but I seem to be unable to do ...
Dilip Manek's user avatar
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How can I design in sketch for multiple sizes without exporting blurry versions?

I'm creating a visual version in Sketch of the to-be-designed website for a client. I'm working on a mobile version first. But he has an iPhone 5S with a 1136x640 resolution, while I have an 6+ with ...
Sander Schaeffer's user avatar
17 votes
9 answers

Exporting a slice in Sketch with transparent background around

Using Sketch 3 want to export an icon, the icons themselves are 24x24 but they sit within an area of 32x32. I've figured out how to do it by combining two different layers one 24x24 and the other ...
Ariel Seidman's user avatar
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Sketch 3 - Export Layer without transparent pixels

I have created an artboard with some shapes overlay on each other. I want create a png export from the red one.(its actual size is 111*111) but when I drag and drop the red layer to the finder, its ...
Hashem Aboonajmi's user avatar
7 votes
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Different color when exporting png in Sketch 2

I have a problem when I'm exporting a .png file in Sketch 2. I have an icon with the background color of #8FBE00 but when I'm exporting it as a .png file the background color is #8EC003. I have ...
Oskar's user avatar
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Sketch 3 exported png size different from layer

I'm having an issue exporting some icons from sketch to .png files. The layers is are 144 x 144 but when I try exporting them I get a 152 x 152 size .png file. I have enabled the trim transparent ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Sketch - Export layers and keep the layer size?

So, I have my layers and when I go to File > Add Slices For Selection to slice the images and then export. They are coming out with the wrong size, if you take the star, it has a width of 40px on ...
Chaos67731's user avatar