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Questions tagged [halftone]

A method for creating the illusion of gradients consisting of one colour, by increasing or decreasing number of small dots. Also described as raster in print production.

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How can I create a circle fill effect similar to a halftone in Illustrator?

I am sort of new to graphic design and need some help on how to recreate this "screen" or "mesh" looking effect for a T-shirt. I have tried setting this area to gray, using color halftone, and ...
David Lopez's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I create scalable half tone patterns for images in Adobe Indesign?

What is the best way to use images with halftone patterns in Indesign? I'm working on a book in which all the images will have an halftone effect. I'm applying the halftone filter in Photoshop but, ...
Alekoner's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to create this kinda halftone circle in Inkscape

I'm trying to create this halftone effect in Inkscape but I'm not able to produce it. All I'm able to do is create a small circle and clone it to produce simple halftone. But how do I do this?
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Is it possible to reproduce this "comics" effect in Photoshop? [duplicate]

I’m looking for a way to reproduce a similar effect in Photoshop. Is there a filter that can produce this?
W. Gervais's user avatar
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Photoshop (CS6) bitmap halftone pixelated

I want to create a halftone effect in Photoshop. The only output I'm getting is hard pixels and nothing like dots. I also tried lines, diamonds, etc. etc. and the output is always the same. It also ...
juistm's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to create an extruded halftone effect in illustrator or photoshop

I saw this photo on Smashing Magazine: Portrait of Alfred Nobel by Viktor Hertz And I was wondering how I can make a similar effect with the halftones extruding into 3D like it is shown. I don't ...
OghmaOsiris's user avatar
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Photoshop effect shape tweening

Which is the faster way to replicate this effect in Photoshop with those light green squares having a shape tween to little dot?
luca 's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there a name for this line-based halftone style?

I'm wondering what you would call the style/technique of the picture above? It looks similar to linocut, and is halftone but neither of those terms are specific enough. I'd love some advice on how to ...
Damon's user avatar
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