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Sketch text rendering is blurred

After exporting screens from Sketch 3 to PNG, the text is blurred Check out: This Website and see the three screens. It's almost not possible to read the screens. Even if you resize them it's not ...
number005's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Sketch good at exporting jpgs and pngs containing pictures?

I designed a pictures grid in sketch, and wanted to export the hole grid as one jpg or png, and then add it to my website. I am wondering if the quality of the jpg or png would be as good as photoshop?...
Julio's user avatar
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Sketch - Export layers and keep the layer size?

So, I have my layers and when I go to File > Add Slices For Selection to slice the images and then export. They are coming out with the wrong size, if you take the star, it has a width of 40px on ...
Chaos67731's user avatar