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2 answers

SVG Fill Color won't change Illustrator

I have created a design in Sketch and exported it as an .svg. I then opened that .svg in Illustrator to make a few edits. I need to change the fill color of a icon that is an .svg. But I am unable too....
asdf's user avatar
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How to add a stroke property or animate the fill path of an svg?

I've been using a combination of Illustrator, Sketch, Inkscape, and Peter Collingridge's svg-editor to create and manipulate SVG's, but I've been running into a few issues. I am trying to create a ...
0xPingo's user avatar
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Is there an Illustrator alternative which supports SVG natively?

By natively I mean the application needs to create, open, edit, and save in the SVG format without conversion. I'm aware that Sketch can open and export SVG files, but in doing so it changes the XML ...
bernk's user avatar
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