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Distorted SVG icon when exporting from Sketch

I am getting a strange result when exporting an SVG icon from Sketch. I am trying to export this mail icon that is made up of two masked triangles and an outer rectangle (all using an outside border):...
adamjoyce's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to export the 'glow effect' from an image to .svg code?

When I export an image of a loader I make to .svg code the glow effect doesn't appear later in the implementation (when we add it in the project's html/css). I see everything else but not the glow ...
KOstas's user avatar
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SVGs export adding pixels in preview and browser

Hopefully some simple solution to this, but basically when I export an icon create in sketch it basically adds a pixel. Is this an export problem or a rendering issue in chrome for example? (or both). ...
Chris's user avatar
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