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Distorted SVG icon when exporting from Sketch

I am getting a strange result when exporting an SVG icon from Sketch. I am trying to export this mail icon that is made up of two masked triangles and an outer rectangle (all using an outside border):...
adamjoyce's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to override color on illustrations/icons that can't be flattened in Sketch App?

I'm trying to create a styleguide according to atomic design. For this I'm trying to create a set of icons where I can override the color so I can use them in different sets. I made an icon of a ...
Summer's user avatar
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How to import SVG icons to Sketch so that they don't open each in different sketch files but all in one

Recently I got a problem, when I am importing Svg icons from one folder, they are automatically opened in separate sketch files, so I have 100 opened sketch files in total. Can someone help with it? ...
Olia Bratsuk's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to import SVG icons to Sketch so that they don't overlap and placed in order?

I've downloaded an icon set which has a folder containing SVG icons. When I select and drag the SVG files into Sketch, all icons are placed very close to each others so I'm ordering all of them by ...
Cihad Turhan's user avatar