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Questions tagged [subpixel-rendering]

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why are some glyphs slightly taller/shorter than others in the same font?

Occasionally, I'll browse to a page where some of the glyphs are rendered slightly taller or shorter than the others. Today's example is from a column of stock prices: Notice that the '1', '4', '5', ...
Adrian McCarthy's user avatar
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how to put a 3d scan as a simple circulating object on a website?

i'm new to 3d scans and just downloaded POLYCAM yesterday. what programs are needed for simple editing those files? making it more complex, adding text or atmospheric things, another object. or: i ...
boxbubble's user avatar
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Salt-and-pepper noise in V-Ray

I need to create renderings without anti-aliasing (i need to sample exactly and only pixel centers). For this reason, I deactivate the "Max subdivs" property of the Bucket image sampler and set Min ...
matthias_buehlmann's user avatar
-1 votes
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Font rendering blurry in browser

So hopefully this is the right form for this question. I'm not much of a designer however on a site I'm working on, I noticed that on my "404" page, the text appears blurry on chrome, and a lot more ...
Hex Crown's user avatar
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