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Questions tagged [xml]

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a set of rules for encoding documents in machine-readable form. It is defined in the XML 1.0 Specification produced by the W3C. The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability over the Internet.

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Indesign Automation

We are planning to automate in-design flow Create a base design with place holders Tag all the placeholders Export the content as xml/ export as Idml Update xml/idml (html form to update conent) ...
Sandeep Sk's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Replace the path of an image in XML export

I am exporting articles from InDesign to XML to import it on our website. Now I want to import the images. I put it in a tag in InDesign called "IMG". The standard output without XSL looks ...
herrfischer's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there a way to create persistent bullets in Power Point?

I have added thee custom bullets to the Style Master Text placeholder, however I would like to have a choice to choose one of those three bullets on the fly. These come through a custom font. This ...
Aasim Azam's user avatar
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How to make my animated SVG CLI-like typewriter effect work as intended? (SMIL)

I am just starting to learn to do SVG Animations, and I'm trying to make a command-line style 'typewriter' effect, typing out several different lines of text, one after the other. I would like the ...
demospasser's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I use specific paths to clip / mask an image in an svg file?

Context I am working on a personal project that necessitate the use of an intermediate software that produces a pdf. After pdf generation, I save as an svg file using Inkscape (with internal import), ...
MacroController's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a way to insert mathematical expressions into an SVG's XML?

I'm wondering if it is at all possible to edit an SVG's XML so that M 36, 187 H 61.455844 can be more precisely calculated. I tried M 36, 187 H (36+18*sqrt(2)) to see if that would work, though ...
Mike Guin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dragging XML rows into indesign adds white space

I have an xml file with a table containing several rows like this: <Row> <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Item</Data></Cell> <Cell><Data ss:Type=...
Vincent's user avatar
  • 153
2 votes
0 answers

IndDesign - chapter name XML

As I am preparing a catalogue in InDesign based on xml import. Ideal would be that the chapter titles would be imported as well as a variable/xml tag. That would mean I can have 1 xml file and 1 .indt ...
numbernine's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

An object is rotated by mouse in canvas. How to know its rotation degree?

I rotate an object in canvas by mouse, and would like to know the rotation degree of it. Go to Object → Transform → Rotate doesn't help, because Inkscape views the object is at 0 degree. I go to the ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Adjusting a looped arrow SVG file to match the style with other arrows

I'm using an SVG file to depict intra-regional migration flows of people in the Netherlands. Here's what I made so far: The looped arrow is the only SVG image here, the other arrows are rendered by ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to place xml nodes into indesign pages (one by one)?

I am trying to place a lot of tables into my document, one by one, but i can't place more than 1 table, does anybody knows how to place each table on one page or textframe? I am using xml nodes like ...
Giovanna's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Manipulating XML data in Adobe Illustrator

I am currently learning how to use Adobe Illustrator and I am trying to find a XML editor in Illustrator so that I can see how the data changes when I manipulate something. I know that in Inkscape ...
Pit R.'s user avatar
  • 13
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variable data-set for large scale

Im trying to print sheets with multiple numbers on them. I have set up 12 variables on my file that will change from 00001 to 00012 and change with each new set from 00013 to 00024 and so on it ...
Animee Ema's user avatar
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Adobe Indesign CS4 XML Import Problem(Missing Elements After Import)

I have been troubleshooting this problem for hours now. It's quite puzzling since a few hours back this did not happen at all. So I have completed placing the tags on individual text frame and was ...
Ricardo Veloz Jr's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

After exporting xml from Indesign, the code is not well structured any more

I tried to import some XML (well structured code) to add some data to my Indesign Identifications Cards. But it wasn't well structured in the Story Editor. So first I designed one of the pages with ...
HamiD's user avatar
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1 answer

Adobe Illustrator Variable Data - XML & CSV data drops apostrophes and quotation marks in data

I am generating a custom report with custom graph data for each record. Since I need to generate the graph data I am stuck with Illustrator as the program to develop the unique designs for each record....
Kasandra Murray's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the gradient tool XML structure for Inkskape extension programing.?

I want to create a custom gradient tool extension. what is the XML structure for the gradient tool? The tool I want to make would fill objects with N-vectors per (unit of measurement) to make vector-...
j0h's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
1 answer

Inkscape: Can I use px in XML Editor?

I want to be able to edit my objects through code. But it seems that Inkscape, for some strange reason, thinks that all properties in svg's XML are in mm. I've set Grid Units to px, I checked if ...
splinefx's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I use SVG to replace UI graphics with text on mobile devices?

I'm new to this... I have a lot of assets that are exported as jpeg when I digest them. But we often have to translate these assets and it ends up with me the developer composing the asset in code ...
visc's user avatar
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How to change html tags into xml elements with xslt in InDesign xml import

I'm importing XML into InDesign (with merge content mode) and using XSLT to pick specific XML elements from the XML file. Problem is that some of the text inside XML elements contain HTML entities (...
nqw1's user avatar
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2 answers

Indesign - scriping xlink:href via scripts

I have xml in the following format: <WebsiteAsHyperLink><websitewithURL xlink:href=""> Click to view website </websitewithURL></WebsiteAsHyperLink> ...
lanes123's user avatar
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Indesign - importing images via xml

I have imported several tags to import an image using the following code: <link href="C:\Users\39875\Pictures\Screenpresso\test.png"></link> However the created the image is quite large. ...
lanes123's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

ProgressBar from vector

I'm trying out my luck here with this question since it's kinda design related [will request migration to stackoverflow it needed but I still believe these kind of questions could have their place ...
Alin's user avatar
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Managing styles with CSS classes in Inkscape

I am using Inkscape and a CSS file for styling a project. I tried to add the class attributes in the XML editor and it didn't change anything. Is there another way I could add classes effectively ...
Jonathan Matchett's user avatar
2 votes
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InDesign: How to import repeating XML with multiple masters

I currently have importing XML in InDesign working, but I'd like to work with multiple masters so that the page design alters every other spread. Something like: [ A-left | A-right ] [ B-left | B-...
jessicah's user avatar
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Two of BottomNavigation view icons not looking same as between two

In android I have few icons for bottom navigation view in xml form but the problem is the size of practice icon is small and discuss and add look great and Q & A is OK but not that good . Let me ...
Kartik Watwani's user avatar
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InDesign: Can tags add behavior to xml?

I have an xml file and a template. For some reason when I import the xml it ads a blank element between the title and subhead. The element doesn't exist in the xml file, but before I import it there ...
horribly_n00bie's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

InDesign: How to import frame breaks with XML?

I use linked XML to import content for my book into my InDesign document. It's one text flow across multiple pages, and certain content deserves to have its own frame (e.g., pull quotes, images, ...
Merchako's user avatar
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Multiple whitespace characters in XML for InDesign

I want to use an InDesign workflow where my editor types into an XML document, and I link elements of that document to frames in my layout. Unfortunately, some of our content employs monospace text ...
Merchako's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Importing learning cards in Indesign from EXCEL or XML or JSON file while keeping some basic formatting

In an EXCEL or XML/JSON file I have stored the contents of learning cards: one column for front side of the card, one column for the back side of the card. I want the cards to be layouted in Adobe ...
Madamadam's user avatar
  • 123
34 votes
1 answer

SVG and viewBox values

I'm just curious if anybody knows how viewBox values (i.e. viewBox="a b c d") are determined. I'm trying to understand Inkscape's SVG functionality, so what I've done is created a document in ...
oldboy's user avatar
  • 562
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Populate InDesign document with XML

I am looking to populate an InDesign document with multiple pages from an XML file, with one textbox per-page and a page break after each page's text. This is what the XML file looks like: <?xml ...
bravokiloecho's user avatar
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Illustrator Variables XML file specs - can I define text formatting from XML?

I'm trying to generate lots of files by dynamically loading texts inside of a template. The layout I'm going for is 2 threaded textboxes for 2 columns, and the text is made of title, paragraph, title, ...
Leeroy's user avatar
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Illustrator error on switching variables data sets

My company sends PDF reports to clients from data we export from another program. I made a very simple batch export process in Adobe Illustrator by simply assigning variables to our PDF, exporting ...
Xodarap777's user avatar
2 votes
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Include assignments when exporting XML from InDesign

When exporting XML from InDesign, I'd like assignments to show up as parent elements without manual intervention. What I get now for a page that has three stories in two assignments: <Root> ...
Zac's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Illustrator data-driven maps

I have searched high and low for a way to colorize parts of a map based on a csv or xml file. For instance to illustrate results of a election. Doing it by hand is both tedious I imagine being able ...
Jakob Thuemoes's user avatar
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InDesign, XML, and Anchored Elements

Is there a method in InDesign to anchor dynamic elements without XML becoming nested? I have an XML imported that is a long list of field entries, each relating to text items on multiple pages of an ...
Chris Caldwell's user avatar
2 votes
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Data is incorrect after importing variable library into Illustrator

I have a bunch of graphs in an Illustrator document. All of them are tagged and have been exported to an XML document. I want to change the numbers in the XML and re-import it to update the graphs ...
ale19's user avatar
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XML special characters

I am doing a catalog layout in indesign using xml. Is there a special character in xml for column break similar to &#09; for tab characters or are column break characters just an Indesign feature?
jseymour186's user avatar
2 votes
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XML Indesign Layout Troubleshoot

Im trying to create a course catalog layout using XML. I go through the steps of creating basic layout tagging it and mapping styles. When I go to import xml I select "clone repeating text elements," "...
jseymour186's user avatar
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indesign: exporting table xml

I have a table in InDesign that looks like this: When I use the AutoTag feature and export the resulting XML, I get XML that looks like this: <Table> <Table xmlns:aid="http://ns....
ale19's user avatar
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Building tag structure when exporting to XML from InDesign

I have to export a lot of InDesign documents to HTML. I need to have total control over exported tags, attributes etc., so I've decided to use XML features (HTML export is just too "weak" for this ...
yarek's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Inkscape: export xml for Android drawable resource directory

I am a Newbie in Inkscape. I tried to find a solution on the internet but I didn't find anything about exporting XML for Android drawable resource directory. I would like to be sure if this program ...
Sam Joos's user avatar
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Can InDesign use XML data to generate QR Codes?

I'm building a business directory in InDesign, and my data source is a MySQL database. I can query this database anyway I wish, and output it either as xml or as a csv file. I prefer the XML option, ...
einav's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Coordinates of groups in Inkscape

I use Inkscape as a UI designer. I want to export each group as a single SVG using the python parser and Inkscape command line renderer but I have problems with the coordinates of each object. For ...
Łukasz Mleczko's user avatar
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Importing HTML/CSS into InDesign layout?

I'm trying to convert an HTML page that has bold text / css in it into an InDesign document so I can lay it out for print in a newspaper in PDF format. Here is a link to the HTML page: http://...
Ron C's user avatar
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Making InDesign recognise image paths to network drives when importing XML

I asked this question on SuperUser nearly four months ago, but despite several edits to bump it to the top and even offering a bounty, it has only received two comments (by the same user) and no ...
Janus Bahs Jacquet's user avatar
3 votes
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Defining a resolution in Indesign XML Import for an image

I import an xml file into InDesign. It contains images. <Image href="file:///path/to/file.jpg"></Image> This will load the image into the document, but it will be import with 72px/inch (...
Artisan72's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Exporting to epub - keep text on path editable

I am looking for a solution to the following problem: I need to export files from InDesign to an epub format. I am using the built-in export feature of InDesign CC 2015. It works pretty well, but I ...
Bartosz's user avatar
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Automatically Create Chapters with Master Pages and XML

I'm working on a catalog that contains several chapters and well over 100 pages. Luckily, I know that each chapter will be four pages long and use the same four Master Pages. In a perfect world, I ...
Jonathan Bowman's user avatar