Illustrator doesn't have the wanted functionality in its pie tool, you need extra software or script for full automation.
Just here the radial texts seem to have a constant rotational stepping due the constant sector width (=360 degrees/the number of the sectors)
Write one dummy text which is nearly sector radius wide, place it manually and make rotated copies having rotation center=the centerpoint. Retype the texts.
Text objects behave in a tricky way with transforms. Here's one method to get it right:
One pair of texts are placed manually and aligned. The right half has right aligned text, the left half has left aligned text. The green box is grouped with the text. That group has the rotation center in the middle.
The text prototypes are rotated to the starting position of the copying
Repeated rotate+copy was made with Object > Transform > Rotate> Copy, Ctrl+D created one new copy
Ungrouped all, one green box was selected, all boxes were selected with Select > Same > Stroke color, deleted the boxes
Retyped the texts