Shortcuts are shown to the right of menu items....

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

If there is a shortcut for an item, it will be shown on the right.

If there's nothing to the right, you can **add your own shortcut**.

Choose `Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts`, then choose `Menu Commands` from the drop down list. Find the menu with the item you want....

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

If the area under `Shortcut` is blank, click in that area, then type the shortcut you want. 

Illustrator *will* alert you if there's a conflict or the shortcut you typed already exists. 

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

The most difficult part is finding a key combo that is not already in use (which is why not everything has a shortcut to begin with).


<sub>Screenshots from a legacy version of Illustrator. Screenshots will look similar to items in newer versions, but actual content of the windows may vary slightly.</sub>
