You don't *really* need rectangles. This can be done with 3 stroked paths in Illustrator....

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

- Draw 1 path 
- Apply a thick stroke
- Apply a stroke profile (On the Stroke Panel) so the stroke narrows at one end.
- Duplicate the path
- Change the stroke color
- Adjust the anchors slightly so they are offset a bit from the original
- Duplicate the path again for 3rd stroke
- Tweak 3rd stroke anchors and color

Really you just need to draw 1 path. You *could* use the black stroked path in your second image as a starting point.


*Technically* if one makes the base stroke super, super, thick, this *could* be accomplished with just 2 overlapping strokes....

[![enter image description here][2]][2]


Or .. slightly more advanced.... 1 path with multiple strokes using the **Appearance Panel** and the **Width Tool** to add some variation to the thinner stroke.

[![enter image description here][3]][3]
