I've just been searching around the net for version control that has some support for graphic/Photoshop files. We're currently using BitBucket which is free and unlimited when it comes to file size but doesn't have any design review tools.

Here's what I've found. Does anyone else have any recommendations?

Pixelapse – Free/Beta, works well. Now has layer comp support.<br />

Shipment – Private Beta (waiting for an invite)<br />

LayerVault (out of business) – Windows/Mac, has layer comp support<br />

PixelNovel – SVN Version control for Photoshop<br />

CAD only?! But looks really good.<br />

FileTrek – Very enterprise. No price or demo.<br />

Kaleidoscopeapp – GIT with image compare<br />

Apps that copy files with an incremented version<br />
[alternativeto.net/software/autover/][8]<br />

  [1]: http://pixelapse.com
  [2]: http://blog.shipmentapp.com/articles/all_new_shipment_beta
  [3]: http://layervault.com/support
  [4]: http://pixelnovel.com
  [5]: http://sunglass.io/features.html
  [6]: http://filetrek.com/solution/
  [7]: http://kaleidoscopeapp.com/
  [8]: http://alternativeto.net/software/autover/
  [9]: http://alternativeto.net/software/filehamster/