[My comment][1] as an answer:

Yes, it's quite fine. 

**The only thing I'd make sure though, is that the logo ends up being vector in the end**, rather than a raster image of a 3D rendering. 

Which would often mean that if you originally make it in 3D application, you'd potentially need to recreate it or at least finalize it in something like Illustrator.

 - - - - - 

Depenping on how much of a 3D look I'm going for, I would use a 3D rendering as my "guide" to recreate it in Illustrator ( Just a quick render ) or just a 3D model converted into 2D line drawing. If possible, I would use both methods together.

  [1]: https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/35341/logo-for-clothing-brand-using-3d-block#comment48892_35341