I have a scan of an old children book that contains both graphics and text. I want to revive the book for my children, while preserving as much as possible from the original layout and illustrations.

I have a very limited experience in this field. I thought of using `Photoshop`, which I have used in the past for other projects, but none of this kind.

My approach was to try and **segment each image**, **find the contours** and **fill the regions** with new uniform colors, based on the original colors, such that I obtain clean illustrations. Also, if possible, I want to get the text such that I don't need to retype it (but this is only a minimal problem, since the book does not contain too much text).

I don't know if this can semi-automatically be done in `Photoshop`. I found useful the `Trace Contour` filter, but I assume that there are also other tools that can be helpful in achieving a good results with a least manual effort.

Here is what I achieved so far, by a direct approach using the `Trace Contour` filter in `Photoshop`, then by manually filling the regions with uniform colors from the original scan.

How would you solve this task? Any hint or advice would be helpful.

**Original scan of the cover:**


**Partial result:**


**Two more scanned pages from the book:**

![page 1][3]
![page 2][4]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/kh3fu.jpg
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/lWliX.jpg
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/cN6mo.jpg
  [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/SCs2y.jpg