**Note:** I don't know if this is the right Stack Exchange site for this. If there's a better one, tell me in a comment and I'll move it there. --- I want to use Unicode emoji icons ([U+1F300..U+1F5FF][1]) in a free, open-source instant messaging app. I considered using [_FontAwesome_ icons][2], but their icon set is too small (not enough faces for `:)`, `:O`, `:P`, etc.). Then I wanted to use _Segoe UI Emoji_, but that's copyrighted and expensive, as it's owned by Microsoft. **Are there any free Emoji-complete fonts? If so, what are they?** [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs "Wikipedia article on Unicode emoji icons" [2]: https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ "FontAwesome icons"