Another color reference* is the color table of web colors (CSS color names that can be used instead of Hexadecimal values)
Some other color systems are Toyo and Munsell. You can even try painter's colour charts like winsor and newton:
But one note... *The fact that I am referencing another color reference is the crude reality that people do not agree on how the hell a color should be named.
So I totally agree on joojaa. You can not name more than a dozen colors, but even there people can not agree on that.
But an aditional problem is: An RGB color or an Hex value is not a color. It is an instruction to display a signal. But as you can see on any TV shop, some reds are redder on the neibourg's TV and the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
But for me, the best option in your case is stick to the CSS color chart and do not re-invent the wheel.
(An aditional note... I will never, ever learn thoose names and the exact hex values. But a name is a good starting point to have a rough idea on what the color is.)