Scaling the image as is from source will indeed be so small that we are only able to read the text in case we know what it says:
Scaled Sinc (Lanczos3) to 72 x 22 px size
This is dramatically improves with the given text with a scale factor only slightly less:
Scaled Sinc (Lanczos3) down to 2%
Alas the size of the resulting image will be too large. It is 98 x 30 pixels. This however is not far off the desired size.
So we need to crop this just about legible small size image to 72 x 22 pixels:
It may be not be much work to edit the source to center the icons from the left and the right side a bit to have them in the image too. Alternatively you may need to use a slightly bigger font in the original.
According to your comment to the other answer a height of 72 pixels is no issue: