3 votes

How to keep the colour of a logo visually the same on digital platforms and on print?

The goal is for their customers to see the same colour visually in both places. The goal is unrealistic, because you can never match a color to look the same across all the customers' devices. People ...
Lucian's user avatar
  • 29.3k
1 vote

In Illustrator, how to replicate exactly the displayed CMYK mode colors in RGB mode?

A CMYK gradient on the screen does not exist. It is a simulation generated by the internal algorithms of the software used. One way to exactly match is to actually use the CMYK simulation as the RGB ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 37.2k
1 vote

In Illustrator, how to replicate exactly the displayed CMYK mode colors in RGB mode?

No, see there is a critical thing that you are overlooking. The things a vector drawing engine can do is limitted by the standard formats the application targets. So essentially by converting to RGB ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 57.9k

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