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What are sections with smaller body text called?

I believe it is called an "Inline Citation" or "In-Text Citation" Here: I ...
mayersdesign's user avatar
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Small Font Size on Labels, Instructions and User Guides

The minimum legal text size will vary depending on the type of product, where it is going to be sold and the nature of the copy in question. For instance, the Food Industry Regulations in Europe ...
Westside's user avatar
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How to get the best results printing white text with small font-size on a rich black background

You don't mention which printing method you are going to use, so I'll assume you mean ordinary offset print. The type of paper and the size of the sheets also matter. I've had luck with small white ...
Wolff's user avatar
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4 votes

Why text size is different in these 2 files in Photoshop?

A point (pt) is a physical size and it depends on the document resolution. I imagine between two your documents it's not the same. Select your first document, go to Image > Image Size to get its ...
Sergey Kritskiy's user avatar
4 votes

How do you decide the ratio between font-size & line-height?

Many designers will leave applications at their default setting - which is typically 120% of type size (at least for Adobe software). How or when to alter this is highly dependent upon many things: ...
Scott's user avatar
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3 votes

Smallest readable font size for printed card

Text legibility affects its readability. Rather than suggest point sizes alone, look at those factors that affect ease of reading. case: upper & lower case mix is more readable than all caps x-...
Stan's user avatar
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Small Font Size on Labels, Instructions and User Guides

Legibility is going to vary based on the printer, device, and font. There are a few ways to increase legibility at small sizes. Decrease the text width: I always hear that 80 character per line is ...
Scribblemacher's user avatar
3 votes

How to change measure unit in Character tool Photoshop CS6?

Press CTRL+K Go to Units & Rulers Go to Type and select Pixels
lmlmlm's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to import Font-Size to Photoshop from an Excel File?

I wrote a small code to change the font-size: this.openExcelFile(); function openExcelFile() { var excelFile = File("H:/App/Banner/script/Txt.csv");"r"); ...
Milad's user avatar
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2 votes

What are standard ratios for typography on the web?

I would say start with the paragraph at 16px and use Fibonacci sequence to calculate the rest. It looks like the major browsers are using this logic. Along the years (for future research, using the “...
EstelaG's user avatar
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Why Does My Font Size Looks Too Large in InDesign?

A typeface with a large x-height (the relative size of lowercase vs. uppercase letters) may have one typeface 'look' bigger than the other. Moreover, and no less common, point size is hardly a ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Why is my text so small in Illustrator?

Your text, at an inch high, is not small. It only appears as such, because your document is large – shockingly so. I estimate it to be around 55.6x35 inch (141x89 cm), which seems total overkill. ...
Jongware's user avatar
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2 votes

How many width and height are for 14 points character?

Type doesn't work like that. The height (in mm, cm, etc) of characters set at the same point size, but in different fonts will not be consistent. Also, the width will vary from character to character. ...
Westside's user avatar
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How to get font to align on the ascender line instead of the baseline?

After examining the two fonts in fontforge and FontLab, it appears that the letters are simply aligned differently. The TibetanMachineUnicode aligns the top of the letters at y-axis 0, where as the ...
CCS's user avatar
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2 votes

List font sizes used in a psd document

Have a look here: It lists all fonts including font sizes.
Oliver Hörold's user avatar
2 votes

How do you decide the ratio between font-size & line-height?

You can't simply apply the same rule everywhere. It varies with your context for example :- (1) Type of text components : Making the line height in the range of 110-125% makes large lines of text ...
Niteesh Bhargava's user avatar
2 votes

Should Arabic fonts be upscaled to account for diacratics

Even within Latin fonts there is a wide variation in x-height. You also have to account for bolding, stretching, letter spacing l and other effects. CSS even has font-size-adjust and size- adjust for ...
Ms. Molly Stewart-Gallus's user avatar
2 votes

Robert Bringhurst's typographic scale

I have contacted Spencer himself and he confirmed that 30-pt font size missing in 3.0 and previous editions of the book, but is present in 4.0, and sent me a photo of the respective page:
jsx97's user avatar
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1 vote

How to find a font with the same width as my current font?

I'm afraid that just part of the job. The individual characters of two fonts can differ in many ways. I can't really see a way to systematically categorize fonts to avoid this issue. Even changing ...
Wolff's user avatar
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Is there a way in InDesign to quickly resize text that is stacked so that each line is the same width but different sizes?

Does "Justify All Lines" work for you? Select your text in the text box and use the option in the paragraph menu. (It works in InDesign CC, not sure about other versions).
Chris Bolseng's user avatar
1 vote

What should I look for when choosing a typeface for magazine content?

Emile had great advice. I'd add that serif fonts are often thought to be easier to read, so you might want to consider a serif font for your text, which you want to be inviting to the reader. Once you ...
Jo Shields's user avatar
1 vote

What should I look for when choosing a typeface for magazine content?

Your question is a bit broad so here are some broad guidelines: First you need to consider your target audience when defining the font size. Typically, a magazine could go from 8-11ish point size for ...
curious's user avatar
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Smallest readable font size for printed card

I'd say as a rule never go lower than 6pt but obviously it depends on your font and the type! Uppercase stands out more so you might get away with smaller font if it's all in uppercase. I think your ...
James Bird's user avatar
1 vote

Smallest readable font size for printed card

I have used 6 or even 4pt... and that looks awesome, it depends what fonts your'e using.. You can simply apply font sizes− 8pt = Your name 6pt = your name 5pt = your name 4pt = your name −on a ...
MFarooqi's user avatar
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GIMP 2.8.22 How to SELECT ALL text objects in all layers and change font size of all at once?

There's a plugin here - save it as a .py file in your GIMP plugins folder, and restart GIMP. Put all your text layers in a layer group, and select the layer group in the layers palette. Click Group >...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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1 vote

What are sections with smaller body text called?

In Polish text Norm such things are called "Additions", "interjected terms" by publishers and "bracket definition" by lawyers. Or "Parenthesis" by linguistics. The short definition of such text is ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
1 vote

How to align vertical text of differing lengths?

To format vertical text you use all the same principals as horizontal text. To make 2 lines of text equal length you can adjust the type size, style and the spacing between characters. First of all ...
Webster's user avatar
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how to get used text details on gimp

This cannot be done, the PSD text layers are converted to bitmap in Gimp and the text information is lost.
xenoid's user avatar
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Photoshop CC 2018 - Text Size (on cavas live preview) missing

It's a bug of the last release. Adobe knows about this bug:
spike_66's user avatar
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Is there a math formula to make font the same actual size on a 55" and 65" monitor hung next to eacother?

The height of an display is h(d) = d * cos( tan^-1 ( a / b)) Here, d = 55" is the diagonal of the screen in inches, and a = 1920 and b = 1080 are the horizontal and vertical number of pixels. tan^-1 ...
Manu CJ's user avatar
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