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7 votes

How can I achieve this type of very clean halftone effect?

Click Image > Mode > Grayscale (if the image is not already grayscale). Click Filter > Pixelate > Color Halftone Set the dot size you want, and set the Channel 1 value to 0. Ignore the others as ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 87.8k
6 votes

How to recolor a vector pattern swatch in Illustrator?

Apply your pattern swatch to your artwork and with it selected hit the Recolor Artwork button (or go to Edit → Edit Colors → Recolor Artwork...): Select the "New" swatch next to the color ...
Cai's user avatar
  • 40.8k
5 votes

Some kind of dithered halftone? Pointillist-style bitmap effect?

I believe Scott is right when he says the image was created by hand. This technique is more commonly called "Stippling". Most software tutorials found online look unconvincing at best, but the ...
curious's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to recreate the ACLU modern engraving effect in Photoshop?

With Photoshop, in four easy steps: Convert with Image Mode into grayscale. Convert with Image Mode into Bitmap. Set the Output Resolution to 10x the input resolution. Set Method to Halftone Screen .....
Jongware's user avatar
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How do I recreate this halftone gradient border?

(I'm pretty sure your example isn't a halftone but a texture over a gradient that looks a bit like a halftone; the image quality isn't great though and if you need this for screen printing then you do ...
Cai's user avatar
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4 votes

Does anyone know what tool or ways to create this multi-colored dither effect?

It appears to be simply the Noise filter in Photoshop. Filter > Noise > Add Noise...
Scott's user avatar
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How could I make halftones like the example in this image

This would really depend on the software you are using. Since you haven't mentioned any, I'd suggest a vector image editor. For example this can be done in Inkscape which is free and Open Source. ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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4 votes

How to replicate such an halftone/bitmap visual effect?

It's not a halftone. It's a dither pattern. You can use software such as GIMP or Photoshop to do something similar. Convert the image to Greyscale mode, then convert to Indexed mode, set the number of ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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4 votes

How to Create a Halftone Effect with Variable Width Lines for a Human Face or any object?

This looks like an image which has been converted from Grayscale mode to Bitmap mode in Photoshop using the Halftone Screen method, with Shape set to Line. It's easy enough to apply this method, but ...
Wolff's user avatar
  • 21.3k
3 votes

How to recolor a vector pattern swatch in Illustrator?

Drag the pattern swatch into your Swatches palette if it isn't already; Double-click the swatch in the palette to enter the pattern editor; Recolor away to your heart's content; Close the pattern ...
Vincent's user avatar
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3 votes

Halftone on image transition to another image

Edit: Didn't notice the OP tagged the question with Illustrator. I'll leave this answer here for referrence anyway. This is for Photoshop Create a new greyscale image the same size as the flag, add a ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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3 votes

Any way to either resize objects a long a path/using a brush or use symbols in a halftone effect?

My guess is that sample was created using Phantasm from -- it excels at custom halftone-like fills. You merely create black and white objects or a gradient-filled object Set the ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k
3 votes

Does a scan need descreening if meant to be printed at the same size?

Yes, it's important to descreen a scanned halftone image even though it's going to printed at the same size as the original. In this answer I will assume that you are printing with offset or a digital ...
Wolff's user avatar
  • 21.3k
2 votes

How to achieve half tone effect

Photoshop has a built in halftone filter (Filter>Other>Color halftone) that can create this effect.
filip's user avatar
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2 votes

Are there any Photoshop filters that will dither to a limited color palette?

Yes. There's a dither filter called Ximagic GrayDither, but unfortunately it's not free but costs €30, although there is a free 30 day trial. Here's the link. I ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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2 votes

Small text and safe CMYK values to ensure as crisp text as possible

The first obvious options. Cian 100% and Magenta 100% From there you have different values that can potentially look your text screened and out of register. First the screening. I would use either ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 37.9k
2 votes

Does a scan need descreening if meant to be printed at the same size?

When scanning materials which have already been commercially printed, there is a very high possibility of running into a moiré pattern. A moiré is an undesirable "checker" pattern which is ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k
2 votes

Halftone dotted shape with rotation

Here's one method, but it's quite manual. What follows is quite a rough example, with a brief outline of how you could do it. Obviously you could spend much more time on it for a better result. ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 87.8k
2 votes

Halftone dotted shape with rotation

Envelope distortion makes at least something resembling if the undistorted original and the envelope are guessed right. In the next image the upper shape is my guess of the original and the lower is ...
Aloha 0F's user avatar
1 vote

Does anyone know what tool or ways to create this multi-colored dither effect?

Since you are looking for a tool, I'd like to suggest GIMP because it's free, Open Source, and cross-platform. You could also do the same in Photoshop (but it's not free). Create your artwork in GIMP ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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1 vote

Color halftone to vector instead of pixels

VectorRaster is a stand alone application designed to input a raster image, convert to a halftone effect, then spit out a vector EPS or PDF. No direct need for any Adobe application. Phantasm from ...
Scott's user avatar
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1 vote

How to colour white bit of a half tone filter effect

Here's one simple method you could use, although there are probably many ways to do it. Create a layer under the image layer, and fill with a creamy colour. Set the image layer mode to Multiply
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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1 vote

Preparing graphics for halftone printers

On the designer's end you don't address halftones for production in any way. Send a high PPI image, that's all. The print provider will know how to best handle halftones to achieve optimum results on ...
Scott's user avatar
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