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19 votes

How to frame text like the logo design of the 1968 olympic games in Inkscape?

That was most likely drawn entirely by hand. The advent of using computers in graphic design didn't really happen until the late 1980s. But yes, something similar can be done in Inkscape by applying ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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17 votes

How to efficiently draw bent or curved lines or arrows with Photoshop?

Use the Line Tool: Select the Line Tool from the tool bar and make sure your layer is set to Shape Layer. Before you make the shape on the artboard, click the gear icon and choose which side of the ...
zeethreepio's user avatar
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16 votes

What is this design element called?

These can go by various names, such as: flourishes, ornaments, or scrolls, depending on the look. A flourish might refer to something more ornate. Ornaments more generally speaking. A scroll shape at ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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12 votes

How to draw this abstract curve design

You can do this quickly and easily with the 'Interpolate Between Paths' extension. Start with a single curvy line. Duplicate it, then scale and move the copy. Maybe also rotate and skew it, or edit ...
Xrott's user avatar
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8 votes

How to make rounded corners from shapes drawn with lines?

As Johannes mentioned, Joining or using the pen tool is the way to go. You don't need to go to round corners from effects. (Once you've joined the lines, or made them with the pen tool) You can set ...
Welz's user avatar
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8 votes

How to produce a effect like this? Illustrator Distort Effect

Create your shape... Rotate the shape so that your angle of distortion is at a 90 degree angle... Object → Envelope Distort → Make with Mesh... Use the Direct Selection Tool to select ...
Cai's user avatar
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8 votes

Repeat lines and expand the space between them

You'd be better off using a transform effect (Effect → Distort & Transform → Transform...) on a single line. Just set a number of copies, some vertical movement and use vertical scale to ...
Cai's user avatar
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8 votes

How can I split a complicated line into different fill-able groups?

Select the shape Swap the Fill and Stroke, so it has a fill and no stroke Hit the Divide button on the Pathfinder Panel (Window > Pathfinder) Fill to your heart's content (You could then use Live ...
Scott's user avatar
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8 votes

Regular Curve on Parallel Lines in Illustrator

Draw 1 stroke.. a centerline, if you will. Expand the stroke.. and you then have a shape. Use Shape Builder to combine portions, then swap the fill and stroke... I would also merely draw 1 corner this ...
Scott's user avatar
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7 votes

Are there any tutorials on how to emulate MBE's style?

One quite fast way is to use the scissors () tool. Click on your shape where you want the gaps and select the spans for deletion. Image 1: Quick timelapse of cut. A quick but less precision oriented ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.3k
7 votes

What is this design element called?

I think they are called Swirls. And of course, there's different types - like Floral Swirls or Ornate swirls and such.
GauravJD's user avatar
7 votes

How to draw this abstract curve design

As said by others, Inkscape's Extension > Generate from Path > Interpolate between Paths does it. But there's few things that should be known if one wants predictable results. Draw 2 paths. In ...
μία μπύρα's user avatar
6 votes

Join multiple (paired) lines using Illustrator

Select 2 lines with the Selection Tool, hit Command/Ctrl+j twice. Select 2 more lines, repeat...repeat.. repeat.. repeat.
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k
6 votes

How can I create a halftone using rough lines?

The two examples you've posted show two very different things. The first one is clearly an effect applied to an image. The second one is a manually constructed vector drawing. There is no real trick ...
Wolff's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the easiest way to do shading for a vector drawing in Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop?

It is a bit hard to tell, especially without seeing the final look you are achieving. This is not an answer, but a couple of suggestions. A. Keep the shadings editable as long as you can. B. Use the ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 38k
5 votes

How to produce a effect like this? Illustrator Distort Effect

Obviously, there are many ways to do it. Here's one method you could use: Draw your shapes, and make sure you expand everything to outlines. Probably best to orientate the logo horizontally at this ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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5 votes

How to use the line tool to draw a continuous line with corners in Illustrator?

Use the pen tool, it does what you want as long as you click the corner point and do not attempt to drag the segment. Line tool can not make a polyline just individual lines. Though, its also no ...
joojaa's user avatar
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5 votes

Smooth line-only pen drawing in Inkscape

You could use the centerline trace extension available from here: to trace your scanned image in Inkscape. Or you could set the simplifying ...
Moini's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I create this optical illusion where letters are made with diagonal lines slightly altered from those of the background?

I used coreldraw and Line width modulation program to create this effect. I am just uploading Gifs for clear explanation. You can use Halftone effect as well for white effect as well. Hope you will ...
Abdul Qayum's user avatar
4 votes

GIMP: How can I make a basic 4px brush?

Use the Pixel (1x1 square) brush (NOT "1. Pixel" brush!!!) : This brush has its hardness set to 0, and thus doesn't exhibit the 3x3 pixel issue you have encountered. It uses the size set ...
Michael Schumacher's user avatar
4 votes

App to take picture of sketch and convert to drawing

If you have an Adobe CC account, you can use the Adobe Capture CC app to take a photo and vectorize it. The app is available for iOS and Android devices. With the app, you can take a photo of a hand ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there an easy way to recreate the ACLU modern engraving effect in Photoshop?

With Photoshop, in four easy steps: Convert with Image Mode into grayscale. Convert with Image Mode into Bitmap. Set the Output Resolution to 10x the input resolution. Set Method to Halftone Screen .....
Jongware's user avatar
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4 votes

Need feedback - Can the composition/colors of this design be fixed if something is lacking or is not a better fit?

I simply feel you've got a couple proportions incorrect. You've "fattened" his head making it seem too large You've rounded his left jawline, weakening the typical "male squared-off" jaw. You've ...
Scott's user avatar
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4 votes

Joining 2 Paths in Adobe Illustrator

What your asking directly can not be done because that would result in a nonmanifold geometry. While nonmanifold geometry would be useful to you its of no use for the drawing of the data. Illustrator ...
joojaa's user avatar
  • 58.3k
4 votes

How can I make this effect with lines in Illustrator?

Draw a rectangle as large as you want your grid Apply a stroke and no fill to the rectangle With this rectangle selected, choose Object > Path > Split into grid and enter the number of rows and ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k

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