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13 votes

Why is lowercase "L" usually higher than capital "I"?

The difference isn't anything specifically to do with a lower case "L" and capital "i", but all captials and ascenders. The short answer is they align to different metrics. There is a "Cap height" ...
Cai's user avatar
  • 40.8k
7 votes

Difference between Cropping, Scaling, Resizing & Changing Aspect Ration of an Image?

Resizing and scaling as synonymous Resizing is an intrinsic change in the size of the image. Changing an image size from 1000px to 500px is resizing. If you change the size from 100% to 50%, or 2:1 is ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 38k
7 votes

Sketch vector lines don't scale

Vector images are still dependent on rendering on a screen for display purposes, and these screens are made of pixels. If the lines are too thin when scaled (like much less than a pixel on a monitor/...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 87.9k
7 votes

Inkscape: Replace objects with original size

There are two functions that can be used in Inkscape to make this work: Edit > Paste Size Objects > Align and Distribute > Swap positions You can assign keyboard shortcuts to those in the ...
Moini's user avatar
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7 votes

scale by specific dimensions - illustrator transform effect

Use a step blend instead. Create a star with a stroke and no fill, then do Object > Transform > Scale. Make sure to uncheck "Scale Strokes and Effects", increase the scale as required, then hit Copy ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 87.9k
6 votes

How can a selection be upscaled in GIMP (without upscaling a layer or canvas)?

If you have a selection, it will scale only the selection. You have to use the Scaling tool (Shift + S + <click> on image), not the "Scale Layer" menu. If you want to use Scale Layer ...
jsbueno's user avatar
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5 votes

InDesign: reset assets to their original dimensions

Unfortunately, Clear Transformations will not reset the image to 100% size in all cases. But, once you have the image selected (NOT the frame, but the image), in the bar at the top of your screen ...
magerber's user avatar
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4 votes

Changing the amount of pixels in an Image in GIMP (or Photoshop) for scaling purposes

If you want "bigger pixels" to make a small image bigger but still pixellated, use Image>Scale image with "Interpolation: none" in the Quality section. This gives something likes this: If you have ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 17.6k
4 votes

Software for ideology scale chart

For reasons that shall become apparent, the list of software that can do this is absolutely staggering. The reason for this is that you do not list any border constraints for the application. Let us ...
joojaa's user avatar
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4 votes

What graphic dimensions would allow it to be printed at the same size regardless of selected scale options?

There is no way to answer this because each printer has a different "live" area for a page. My desktop printer might leave a 10mm border around the edge of a paper, but yours might only leave a 5mm ...
magerber's user avatar
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4 votes

Batch convert portrait photo to landscape with blurred, extended background - Windows utility needed (NOT Photoshop)

@Metasomatism: Your comment lead me to the solution. If you change that to an answer I'll gladly accept it. The command that does the trick is for /f "delims=?" %f in ('dir *.jpg /b') do convert -...
Thomas's user avatar
  • 151
4 votes

InDesign: reset assets to their original dimensions

Select your graphic with the Direct selection tool (white arrow). The 100% value you see while using Selection tool (black arrow) relates to the frame, not the placed graphic.
Vinny's user avatar
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4 votes

Illustrator: How to scale precisely to a specific (off-screen) reference point?

Scaling an image in Illustrator to let a part of the image have a certain width can be done using a Clipping Mask: Make a rectangle which covers the part of the image you want to have a certain width ...
Wolff's user avatar
  • 21.3k
4 votes

Gaussian blur gets pixelated when I copy, paste, and shrink image

Do you have the same resolution in Document Raster Effects Settings? Sounds like you could have lower resolution in the document you paste in to. Try change that in that case. Go to Effects > ...
Mikael Carlsson's user avatar
4 votes

Adjusting pixel density to compensate for a smaller image

OK - no blowing up - but a simple basic comment: If you downscale a raster graphic (made of pixels) this doesn't make the pixels smaller, this decreases the number of pixels you use in your raster to ...
GerardFalla's user avatar
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4 votes

Design size vs. actual size on Ilustrator

I print a lot of graphics and at that size I would expect the file to be 24x36. You could create the graphic at 25% scale but there isn't really a good reason to do that. But you will start to run ...
AndrewH's user avatar
  • 12.8k
3 votes

How to convert a drawing in 1cm=1ft to 1 inch=20ft

1cm : 1ft = 1 : 30.48 1inch : 20ft = 1 : (20*12) = 1 : 240 30.48 / 240 = 0.127 Scale your drawing by a factor of 0.127: Select your drawing; Choose the Scale tool; Alt / Option-click anywhere on ...
Vincent's user avatar
  • 25.3k
3 votes

Inkscape: Is there a way to unstretch / undistort text?

Yes. Select the text box with the Select and Transform tool F1 Open the XML editor using Shift+Ctrl+X In the right pane of the XML editor, select the "Transform" item in the list. In the settings box ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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3 votes

Design size vs. actual size on Ilustrator

If the artwork is 100% vector, then work at whatever size you are comfortable. There's nothing inherently beneficial to working oversized if everything is vector. If anything, problems more often ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k
3 votes

Inkscape - Concentric closed paths?

An easy task. Copy your existing vector, then use Edit, Paste in Place. Select Path, Dynamic offset and drag the handle to get the desired offset, which will appear "concentric," although ...
fred_dot_u's user avatar
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3 votes

Inkscape: Document Settings Scale and Default Document Settings

Set up all the options in the 'Document Properties' and the rest of the document to how you like it, then use 'File → Save Template...'. It doesn't matter what you put in the dialog for 'Name' or any ...
Xrott's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I scale my image resolution to a different size in Krita?

As stated in the manual, you should use "Scale Image to New Size…" which you can also bring up using Ctrl+Alt+I and change the settings on this dialog:
Luciano's user avatar
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2 votes

Resizing a Symbol's Width

It seems like you have your width/height locked as I don't have the similar problem when I unlock it. You can find the lock icon on the right hand, it looks like this: Unlock it and you should not ...
Summer's user avatar
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2 votes

There is no bounding box around line in Illustrator CC 2017

If a Line Tool Path and another object are selected, the bounding box will scale the path. So quick solution.. throw in some random object as part of the selection before attempting to scale a Line ...
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k
2 votes

How can I resize my image without rasterizing the text layers?

No way to prevent that. To sidestep the issue: Duplicate the image (Image>Duplicate) Do you thing on the pixel art Drag the fixed pixel art layer back to the initial image (drag from the Layers ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 17.6k
2 votes

How should icons inside an app look like?

Icons in a user interface should be: aesthetically cohesive visually distinct from each other intuitive Typically, that means the simpler, the better. While adding a hand to every icon may help ...
DA01's user avatar
  • 50.2k
2 votes

Gimp scale tool always defaults to 'Dont preserve aspect ratio'

Set the option in the Scale tool, then go to Edit>Preferences>Tool options and click Save tools options now. Warning: Of course this saves all the options of all the tools, plus the current ...
xenoid's user avatar
  • 17.6k

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