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3 votes

Draw two concentric circles without any change in stroke in Adobe Illustrator

Either just change the stroke for all circles afterwards or enter Preferences and untick General > Scale Strokes & Effects.
Wolff's user avatar
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2 votes

Preserving original shape in stroke to path

I'd like to suggest a different method. Draw your green line, and do Path > Stroke to Path. Duplicate this, send to the back, apply an Offset live path effect Move the offset control to thicken ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 87.8k
2 votes

Illustrator stroke sets to default when I ungroup

The stroke seems to be applied to the group, not the individual paths. If you merely want the overall shape and aren't vested in keeping strokes as strokes... Object > Expand Appearance Object >...
Scott's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I make a spacetime curvature grid like this (the black hole one)?

This should be a comment, but this site allows only respected members write comments. Illustrator can make the funnel as a surface. You can get it by applying 3D effect revolve to a curve. You can get ...
Abuabapplipbleable's user avatar
2 votes

Preapply Multiple Strokes to the Pen and Brush Tool in Illustrator consistently

I think you could perhaps use Blob Brush tool for something like this, although I don't know if will suit your needs 100%. You can't pre-apply the stroke and fill, but you could use a Graphic Style to ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 87.8k
2 votes

How to make perfectly sharp angles to this figure in Illustrator?

Do not use that complex tool for a job which should succeed by using something much simpler. Use only the pen and the direct selection tool (the node tool for those who prefer to use Inkscape). Draw ...
user7727601's user avatar
1 vote

Apply stroke to a filled shape in Adobe Illustrator

There is no single way that professionals work, they all use different techniques. The method you suggest doesn't sound unreasonable. Anyway, here's how I would do it, but there are probably many ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
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1 vote

Ps: How to get Appearance params for a path created using the Pen Tool?

Yes, but you can forget the Properties panel. It's of no use here (as far as I can tell). I almost never use this panel. It's a fairly recent addition to Photoshop, probably still has teething ...
Billy Kerr's user avatar
  • 87.8k
1 vote

Preapply Multiple Strokes to the Pen and Brush Tool in Illustrator consistently

Untick "New Art Has Basic Appearance" in the Appearance Panel Menu. This will allow you to set the appearance once, and then every new path will take on that appearance. The appearance won'...
Scott's user avatar
  • 211k

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