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42 votes

What is the best software for creating exam paper template?

LaTeX is meant exactly for stuff like this. LaTeX is a programming language of sorts, designed with the explicit purpose of typesetting documents... like, say, an essay template. It spits out nice, ...
Sebastian Lenartowicz's user avatar
16 votes

Illustrator: what is this black dotted box? How can it be disabled?

It's the print tiling indicator, basically showing you what and where your artwork will print with the print page size you currently have set. You can turn it on and off from the view menu (View ...
Cai's user avatar
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12 votes

How do big design companies share art files

At my current workplace we use a version control system. To be exact, we use Git + Bitbucket with the LFS (Large File Storage) extension. We also use a graphical diff plugin that lets us see a quick ...
0xFF's user avatar
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11 votes

What makes a Moleskine notebook so good and when should someone invest in them?

In my opinion Moleskine are more looks and brand than quality. Not that I think they are bad, I personally like them but I've had better quality as well. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing ...
Summer's user avatar
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10 votes

How do big design companies share art files

"Many projects with many files all uploaded by humans on one server will get messy, by definition." Not necessarily. I freelanced for a while in a food packaging studio that had other studios ...
curious's user avatar
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10 votes

SVG2TikZ or Inkscape2TikZ: convert from SVG graphics to TikZ/PGF code

According to the instructions, all you need to do is to copy the .inx and .py files from here: into your user extensions directory ...
Moini's user avatar
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9 votes

The pros and cons of using the appearance panel to create complex shapes and strokes in AI

The effect is live. That is it will recreate itself whenever you make a change to the underlying object. Some of the things can simply not be done in any meaningful way with other methods, such as ...
joojaa's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the best software for creating exam paper template?

Photoshop is probably the last choice for this type of work. InDesign could work better as it can natively create a 'facing pages' document, meaning left & right page templates and yes with the ...
lmlmlm's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there no capitalize button in Inkscape?

Mine is in the Menu Extensions > Text.
Harley's user avatar
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8 votes

Adobe Fireworks - the best replacement?

I use Affinity Designer as a replacement for Fireworks. I also use Graphic by Picta which is pretty good too, but vector only.
Craig Pickering's user avatar
8 votes

Inkscape adds handles to corner nodes after node deletion

Hold Ctrl and press the Del key to delete the node. If you already have the handles hold Ctrl and click the round ends of the handles to remove them. That way you don't need to move the mouse to the ...
Thomas Weller's user avatar
7 votes

Why doesn't the Shape Builder Tool let me select this specific shape?

There is probably a very small gap in there. Double click on the shape builder tool icon. This opens up options for the tool, enable gap detection and you should be good to go.
joojaa's user avatar
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7 votes

What is an "Eber rule?" (Ruler to measure type)

Generally, manual type measurement is done via an E Scale. Sometimes referred to as a Type Scale. These can be purchased at any art supply store. They are customarily see through plastic. In fact ...
Scott's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there an automatic tool that can crawl a live site and generate both a visual sitemap and single-page screenshots?

If you're not afraid of coding you can do this with Python: import gtk.gdk w = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() sz = w.get_size() print "The size of the window is %d x %d" % sz pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(...
user9447's user avatar
  • 18.3k
7 votes

How to begin designing PDF Business Reports

It is possible to learn how to do this. However, you should realize that graphic design is a design field you need to know quite much more than, PDF template with different styles to begin with. ...
joojaa's user avatar
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6 votes

How to draw a non-defect transparent line?

You can draw the line that you want on a dedicated layer with 100% opacity, then set the layer at 70% opacity or as you like.
Mario's user avatar
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6 votes

Adobe Fireworks - the best replacement?

Keep using FW CS5 if it works for you. I can only assume you are seeking a replacement because Apple's latest OSs will not run CS5 applications. No one EVER states you need the "latest and greatest"...
Scott's user avatar
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5 votes

How to enable Paint Bucket instead of Material Drop Tool on CC 2015?

In the upper right corner, switch from 3D workspace to essentials.
Joe's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I achieve this?

I want to have bulk experience of how the industry works. OK For that, I wish to make logos for tons of clients for free. But that's pretty much the opposite of how the industry works. Clients ...
DA01's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a tool to extract the primarily used colors in a picture?

You can do this directly in Photoshop! Select an Image Open "Save For Web" Select "GIF Restrictive" from the dropdown labelled "Preset" Select how many colours to include in the top right field ...
mayersdesign's user avatar
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5 votes

How do big design companies share art files

I think that Digital Asset Management Software (DAM) is specifically used for exactly the situation you describe. Here is a nice write-up that explains what DAM is and how it is used. I haven't ...
magerber's user avatar
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5 votes

Polygonal lasso tool went mad

You are zoomed in to the pixel level of your image. There's no way to cut a pixel in half, when zoomed out it looks smooth, in reality it's just "a staircase" selection. What looks like this zoomed ...
Welz's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a shortcut to change to a different tool while typing in Photoshop?

Hit the the Enter key to commit the text. Note: ENTER not Return. They are not the same key. If using Return because your keyboard has no Enter key.... you need to hold Command/Ctrl Then hit the ...
Scott's user avatar
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5 votes

Inkscape adds handles to corner nodes after node deletion

Hold Ctrl while deleting nodes to make Inkscape not try to preserve the shape of the curve. If you want to make this behavior the default, open the preferences for the node-tool (double-click its icon ...
Xrott's user avatar
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4 votes

Photoshop Loupe Function?

I'm pretty sure that is a third party Mac app called Zoom it. I thought I'd also point out that this is a built in thing in both Mac and Windows. Just a bit different looking. Mac: Preferences > ...
Joonas's user avatar
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4 votes

Brush tool painting wrong colour in Photoshop

You have a levels adjustment layer which is lightening the color you're sampling. When you sample that color (i.e. with the Eyedropper), you're sampling the adjusted output, not the original un-...
Cai's user avatar
  • 40.8k

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